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Information Centre | Nepal
Fewar Wars,But Still Too Many, Secretary-General says in Peace Day Message
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Peace is a day-to-day reality. Our streets are safe; our children go to school. where the fabric of society is strong, the precious gifts of peace can almost unremarked.many people in the world today, those gifts are only an elusive dream. they live in chains: a climate of insecurity and fear. it is mainly for them that this day exists.general assembly proclaimed the international day of Peace as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. the united nations has observed it ever since. it is meantto get people not just thinking of peace, but doing something about it. this day as on the other 364, violence continues to claim innocent lives. and these last few weeks have seen tragic new escalations of conflict in several parts of the world.the united nations works for peace in many ways.we are doing our utmost to prevent further bloodshed. and we have had some successes.States are paying more attention to preventive diplomacy. united nations peacekeeping missions -and our efforts to support democracy and promote human rights
UNIC ,   (2006 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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