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Information Centre | Nepal
Monitoring/Investigation Report on the Death of General Public due to Diarrhea/Cholera and Distribution of Food items in the Mid & Far Western Districts including Jajarkot
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The epidemic of diarrhea that was observed since the beginning of the 2067 BS (2nd half of April 2009) had greatly affected the Far-west and Mid-west districts of Nepal namely Jajarkot, Rukum, Dailekh, etc. and the epidemic also spread in the surrounding districts. Approximately 400 people died due to this epidemic and more than 64,000 returned home after treatment. Even though right to health is related to right to life, insufficient health facilities in the
districts resulted to the death of so many people. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966, section 11 to which Nepal is a signatory, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 section 25, Interim Constitution of Nepal 2007 section 16 pursuit right to health as a fundamental right. News was published regarding contaminated food or food that is not suitable for human was found to be consumed by the locals in the affected districts. Right to food is ensured in the Constitution and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights to which Nepal is a signatory. Right to food is one of the most important rights among all human rights
that are directly related to people’s right to life. While the Government ensures right to food there is a universal explanation that the people should have constant access on food and food be sufficient and the food should be hygienic, nutritious, clean (uncontaminated), affordable to general people, suitable to one's religion and culture. The facts on the use and distribution of contaminated food that came in the news media drew attention of the Commission. Therefore, field observation, investigation and monitoring was
carried out to find out the fact through a high level monitoring team. During the monitoring, the commission coordinated, discussed, consulted with the government as well as non-government sectors at different phases, gathered facts and figures and published this report to inform general public.
NHRC/UNDP ,   (2009 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
10.03.02  -  Diseases And Carriers Of Diseases
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Feeder: DEEPIKA DHAKAL , Editor: , Auditor:

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