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Information Centre | Nepal
Trafficking In Persons Especially On Women And Children In Nepal
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National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), a constitutional body of Nepal, has the mandatory responsibility to protect and promote human rights of the people of Nepal for justice, equality and dignity. Since Trafficking in Persons deprives the victim from all forms of human rights and puts the victim in a slavery-like situation, it is a serious violation of human rights. The depth of the problems and challenges crosses international, regional and national boundaries. The Universal Declaration of Human
Right (UDHR) 1048, followed by Civic and Political Rights, Economic Social and Cultural Rights, CEDAW and CRC, UN Resolutions 1325, 1820 and Regional SAARC Convention on Anti Trafficking 2002 provide legal ground to fight Trafficking in Person globally. Based on these Conventions and Resolutions GON is implementing national laws, policies and Plans of Action for combating Trafficking in Person. Trafficking in Persons in Nepal is rooted with patriarchal and feudal structure in the country. At the same time, the studies in the situation of trafficking especially in women and children show that the problem of trafficking has extended from rural to urban areas, and from India to other countries in the context of social, political and economic development of Nepal. However, due to the clandestine nature of the crime and lack of an effective national institutional reporting system, it has been difficult to monitor the updated numerical situation of trafficking and impact in combating trafficking from policy, program and judicial efforts. Nevertheless, NHRC has started publishing National Report on Trafficking in Person, especially women and children since 2005 by collecting information from the respective GOs and NGOs and present the report as a national effort to combat Trafficking in Person. This is the fourth Annual National Report published in the series. The Report presents the statistical situation of Trafficking in Persons in Nepal as proxy indicator based
on the annual data derived from reported cases in the police and NGOs with its changing dimension by magnitude, profile, route and mode of trafficking. The report deals with internal migration and foreign labor migration in the context of an emerging socio-economic scenario of development in the country and its link with trafficking vulnerability of women and men. The report reveals that the nexus between
labor market and trafficking vulnerability demands effective implementation of the laws and regulations in the country of origin and the country of destination to ensure the right to work and justice to trafficked victims. International advocacy and commitment work as the promotional tool for the purpose.
NHRC/UNDP ,   (2011 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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Feeder: ANJANA SHARMA , Editor: , Auditor:

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