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Information Centre | Nepal
A Brief Report on The Exhumation at Tallo Godar of Dhanusha District
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With regard to this, as per the decision drawn on January 29, 2008, the commission had recommended to the government of nepal GoN for the legal action against erstwhile Senior superintendent of Police Chuda bahadur shrestha, superintendent of Police kuber Singh rana, major anup adhikari of dharapani army barrack of number 9 field battalion, and the Chief district officer of dhanusha district rewati raj kafle upon confirming their alleged involvement in the incident of human rights violations including extra judicial killing on the basis of the investigation conducted by the NHRC.the government of nepal has provided NRs. three hundred thousand each to the victims’ families and additional NRs. one hundred thousand entitled to the conflict victims as the relief and reparation on the basis recommendations.the Commission with the home minister of GoN andhigh level government officials of GoN including attorney general, chief secretary of GoN, secretary of the Office of the Prime minister and Council of ministers, home Secretary, Secretary of ministry of law and justice, inspector general of Police of nepal Police and the decision was reached on September 3,2010 followed by another discussion held with human rights defenders and civil Society members on September 4,2010 for the due commencement of the exhumation work at tallo godar.the NHRC investigation and made pubic that all five disappeared persons were taken under control by the security force and allegedly killed with gunshots. the contribution extended by the GoN, nepal Police, national and international experts, helsinki university GIZ, human rights defenders, Civil Society, media, local missioner of human rights including for exhumation work. the Commissionwould like to extend its heartfelt gratitude specially to all those families who, despite extreme sorrow and agony for losing their beloved ones, have shown high degree of patience and extended their cooperation during all phases of exhumation.
GoN, NHCR/UNDP ,   (2014 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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