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National Trade Unions join Hands With Maoist Union For Peace And Development
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The three major national trade unions, DECONT, GEFONT & NTUC demonstrated their commitment to the peace building process by joining hands with the maoist affiliated trade union for peace, democracy and development of the nation.comprehensive discussions between the trade unions which led to the signing of the historic Declaration, have been facilitated by ILO Nepal Director, Mr Shengjie Li.The signing of the Declaration by the four Trade Unions commits them to work together, promoting a joint union approach to help re-build the nation through the development of employment generation programmers and the establishment of a sound industrial relations system based on good faith and constructive social dialogue.
ILO ,   (2006 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
02.04.00  -  Development
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