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Information Centre | Nepal
100th meeting of Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee 28 May 2009
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The United Nations Mission in Nepal Chief Arms Monitor Captain (Navy) Eduardo Ulery chaired the 100th meeting of the Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee (JMCC), held at Hotel Summit on 28 May.
To commemorate this special occasion, the Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Karin Landgren, addressed the members of the JMCC, paying tribute to their consistent engagement in this critical confidence-building mechanism in Nepal’s peace process.
Participants at the meeting recognized the JMCC’s key role in contributing to the stability and security in the country.
Both parties confirmed that they were conforming to the Agreement on Monitoring of the
Management of Arms and Armies (AMMAA) and re-affirmed their intent to continue working closely with UNMIN in the JMCC framework to continue promoting confidence and trust, along with other tasks in the AMMAA.
UNMIN ,   (2009 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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Feeder: DEEPIKA DHAKAL , Editor: ANGELA DANGOL , Auditor:

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