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OHCHR-Nepal deplores the killing of media group chairperson Arun Singhanyia
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OHCHR-Nepal is deeply concerned to learn of the killing of Arun Singhanyia,
chairperson of the Janakpur Today Media Group, who was shot dead on 1 March 2010 in Janakpur. This comes a year after the killing of Uma Singh, a woman journalist who worked with the same media group, and only one month after the murder of Kathmandu-based media entrepreneur Jamim Shah. Threats and violence directed at the media can jeopardise the right to freedom of expression. Journalists must be able to carry out professional journalism in a safe
environment with full respect for their human rights. The perpetrators of these crimes must be held fully accountable and the state must provide the necessary security - and intervene as appropriate - for all journalists under threat.
OHCHR ,   (2010 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOHCHR : UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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