United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
UN Newsletter - Vol. 4 (October 2008)
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The UN System in Nepal marked the 63rd Anniversary of the United Nations in the UN House amidst a programme in the morning of 24 October. The Chief Guest in the programme was Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Upendra Yadav. Also speaking on the occasion was UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Mr. Robert Piper and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Nepal Mr. Ian Martin. The video message of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was also screened. Some 800 participants consisting of Nepali ministers, heads of constitutional bodies, diplomatic corps, donors, I/NGOs, civil societies, high officials of the security forces, media and the UN staff were present. There were 18 booths set up by various UN agencies to display their respective project activities in Nepal. A street drama depicting issues of poverty, development and conflict in Nepal was highly appreciated by the audience. Besides, four young students were awarded as outstanding speakers on the issue of youth and unemployment in a national school and college level debate contest. About 10 staff from various UN agencies were honored for their dedicated service ranging from over 20 years upto over 35 years. I am awestruck by the beauty and profound significance of this site, the birthplace of the Lord Buddha. Being here, I am reminded of his amazing life journey from sheltered prince to founder of one of the world’s great religions. And I am moved by his example of voluntarily leaving behind comfortable circumstances to confront the painful realities of life and to help others overcome them. Above all, as Secretary-General of the United Nations, I am all the more inspired to work for peace throughout the world. I sincerely hope that we can learn from his lessons, from his teachings and his philosophy to bring peace, stability, harmony, reconciliation and friendship among people of different beliefs, different religions and cultures. This is exactly what human beings should promote and pursue for a better world, a more peaceful, more prosperous world. (UN Newsletter)

#UNnewsletter #UNIC
UNIC ,   (2008 )
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18.07.02  -  Documents
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Feeder: DEEPIKA DHAKAL , Editor: ANGELA DANGOL , Auditor:

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