United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Land Seizure in three Mid Western Tarai Districts - Issue No. 26
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Land ownership patterns and its inequities are recognized as one of root causes of the decade long armed conflict in Nepal, a period when large plots of public and private land as well as properties were seized by mainly Maoists. Leading Maoists noted that the confiscation of property from feudal landlords and its distribution among peasants based on the principle of ‘land to the tiller’ was a basic policy. The conflict ended in 2006 with the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement(CPA). Together with the 12 Point Understanding reached between the CPA signatories, the CPA included the return of seized property, the formulation of policies for scientific land reform and a commitment to refrain from seizing new land A Carter Center report published in 2010 noted that although much of the seized land in the Tarai had been returned, the Mid- and Far-Western Tarai, one of the most affected areas in terms of amount of land seized during the conflict, had seen less returns. The relief package announced by Prime Minister Bhattarai in September 2011 committed to return all seized property within three months. The Seven Point Agreement reached between major political parties on 1 November 2011, went even further and committed to have completed the return by 23 November 2011. However, internal UCPN-M dynamics may pose a challenge to implement the agreement in the Mid Western Region (MWR) where much land remains seized.This field bulletin explores the status of private land seized during the armed conflict in Dang, Banke and Bardiya districts in the Mid-Western Tarai. The Chief District Officers (CDOs) in Dang, Banke and Bardiya districts have begun to hold consultations with political parties at the district level. However, due to complexity surrounding issue of land and land returns it will be challenge to implement it by set deadline.
UNRCHCO ,   (2011 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNRCHCO (UNRCO) : UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Office (UN Resident Coordinator Office)
03.01.03  -  Land Forms And Ecosystems
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Feeder: DEEPIKA DHAKAL , Editor: , Auditor:

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