United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Leasehold Forestry And Livelihood Programme (LFLP)-Nepal
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The mission included for the first time representatives of all external stakeholders in the Programme: IFAD, FAO and the Government of Finland (GOF). This has greatly improved the effectiveness of the mission as issues and recommendations could be discussed jointly with immediate feed-back from the project and Government of Nepal (GON). It also allowed to harmonize recommendations and improve the overall consistency of Programme activities.
The mission objective was to carry out an assessment of the programme’s performance in
terms of the achievement of objectives and results. It also reviewed any issues in relation to the disbursement of the Supplementary financing IFAD had approved in April 2012. Field work was undertaken in 8 districts by two sub-teams of mission members together with Programme and FAO TA management staff during 7 days. The mission teams discussed with all the stakeholder in the field and in Kathmandu. A preliminary Aide Memoire was discussed with the Programme team and the FAO TA on 8 December and the draft Aide Memoire was presented to a Wrap Up Meeting, chaired by the Secretary of the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation on 9 December.Key project data The objective of LFLP is to achieve a sustained reduction in the poverty of 44 300 poor households that are allocated leasehold forestry plots in 22 districts through increased production of forest products and livestock. The initially estimated total costs of USD 12.8 million are financed by an IFAD loan of USD 10.5 million, an IFAD grant of USD 1.2 million and a Government and Beneficiaries’ contribution of USD 1.1 million. Since 2009, a grant from the Government of Finland of USD 3.5 million finances technical assistance provided by FAO.Supplemental financing of USD 1.5 million in a loan and USD 1.5 million as a grant was approved in April 2012 to cover the shortfall in IFAD funding due to changes in the inflation and exchange rates during the course of implementation and to reinforce programme activities in knowledge management, scaling-up and policy support.The initial IFAD loan and grant became effective in September 2005, an MTR was undertaken in March 2009 and the original completion date is September 2013.
GoN, IFAD ,   (2012 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 IFAD : International Fund for Agricultural Development
04.05.00  -  Forestry
Reference Link:
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