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Information Centre | Nepal
Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram (Improved Seeds for Farmers Programme)
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Kisankalagi Unnat Biu-Bijan Karyakram1 is an IFAD funded operation to support accelerated agricultural growth. It aims at developing the formal seed sector as well as improving smallholder livestock through improved partnership with the private sector in the hills of Nepal. The Programme is designed to support two key aspects of agriculture sector hampering productivity: the improvement of formal seed (cereals and vegetables) and improvement of smallholder livestock (goats and dairy) in order to increase income of the poor rural households (hhs). This will be achieved by developing the partnership between farmer organisations and the private sector.The expected results of Component 1 (Seed) are at least 7,200 households supported, organized around 720 groups and involving up to 13 private seed company operations participating in the production of approximately 760 metric tons (MT) of TL paddy; 830 MT of TL maize; 1660 MT of TL wheat; and 500 MT of a range of TL vegetable seeds. This is expected to generate overall positive net margins for both the seed groups and the seed companies. TL improved seed production is expected to lead to the increase of its utilisation coverage for the related varieties and be sufficient for the sowing of some 15,000 hectares of paddy; 40,000 hectares of maize; 13,000 hectares of wheat; and 65,000 hectares of vegetables in the agro-ecological hills zone. Component 2 (Livestock) will support groups/cooperatives/communities to establish at least 28 milk chilling centres under public-private partnership. It will also promote at least 15 local private dairy enterprises under a competitive grant system. Under the Improving Goat Productivity sub-component, the Programme will support establishment of 26 goat collection hubs/livestock markets, which in their turn stimulate the private investments in meat processing and detail sales. With the implementation period of the sub-component, it is expected that increase of milk and meat production will yield substantial financial income among the 8,900 beneficiary households. Component 3 (Entrepreneurship) will provide a conducive environment for activities undertaken under components 1 and 2: (i) 156 Village Development Committees (VDCs) will be strengthened; (ii) 24,810 households will adhere to producers’ cooperatives and will benefit from technical and management training; (iii) 30,000 households will have access to financial services through the creation of at least 30 Small Farmer Agriculture Cooperatives and 6 local banks’ branch extension. They will benefit from loans amounting to USD 8 million and improved financial services from the strengthened financial institutions.
In the framework of the 2006-2012 COSOP, the Government of Nepal (GoN) requested IFAD to design an agriculture and livestock project to be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture Development. The full design from concept to final report was completed between September 2011 and May 2012, with three missions conducted jointly by GoN, IFAD and the FAO investment center.
GoN, IFAD ,   (2012 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 IFAD : International Fund for Agricultural Development
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
Reference Link:
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