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Information Centre | Nepal
Fighting Poverty And Land Degradation With Leasehold Agreements
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The Hills Leasehold Forestry and Forage Development Project was launched by the Government of Nepal in 1989. Its goal was to reduce poverty and restore degraded environments in the Middle Hills by leasing small blocks of public forest land to groups of rural poor people, who would use,regenerate, protect and manage them.Nepal has enacted a new leasehold forestry policy and given leasehold forestry programmes top priority in its poverty-reduction strategy paper and its Tenth Plan 2002-2007. What started out as a small pilot project in 1989 has become a national programme, financially supported by the Government of Nepal and a growing number of donors.The single most important factor in ensuring scaling up of the approach was the commitment and leadership of key individuals in the Government.
IFAD ,   (2002 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 IFAD : International Fund for Agricultural Development
02.04.00  -  Development
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