United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
National Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health-Long Term Plan (NSMNH-LTP)
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This revised National Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Long Term Plan (NSMNH-LTP) 2006-2017 has been developed to be in line with the Second Long Term Plan Health Plan (1997-2017), the Nepal Health Sector Programme Implementation Plan and Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The revision takes into account recent developments such as the increased specific emphasis on neonatal health, recognition of the importance of skilled birth attendance in reducing maternal and neonatal moralities, health sector reform initiatives,legalization of abortion, recognition of the significant levels of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS and increased emphasis on equity issues in safe motherhood services. The overall goal of this plan is to improve maternal and neonatal health and survival especially among poor and socially excluded communities, with indicators drawn from the MDGs. These include a reduction in the maternal mortality ratio to 134 per 100,000 live births by 2017 and a reduction in the neonatal mortality ratio to 15 per 1,000 live births by 2017. The purpose is increased healthy practices and utilization of quality maternal and neonatal health services, especially by the poor and excluded, delivered by a well-managed health sector. The indicators are an increase in the number of deliveries assisted by Skilled Birth Attendants (SBA) to 60 percent by 2017 and increase in the number of deliveries in a health facility to 40 percent by 2017. Met need for Emergency Obstetric Complication will be increased by 3 percent each year and the met need for Caesarean Section by 4 percent each year.
#SafeMotherhood #MaternalHealth #NeonatalHealth
GoN, NSMNH-LTP/UNFPA ,   (2006 )
Type / Script:
Publication in English
Thematic Group:
 UNFPA : Population studies
10.02.00  -  Comprehensive Health Services
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