United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
The State of The World's Mid Wifery 2011-Nepal
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Nepal is currently in a process of post-conflict transition. Great disparities in access to health care can be found between different ethnic groups, among people of different education and income levels, and between geographic
areas. The total fertility rate has declined and contraceptive use has increased significantly. The maternal mortality ratio has been reduced by 56 percent in the past 20 years. Health sector priorities focus on strengthening and expanding equitable access to and utilization of services, with a special focus on underserved populations. In 2006, a policy on skilled birth attendants endorsed the development of professional midwives. The policy led to the implementation of in-service training strategies for skilled birth attendants, and the expansion of birthing centers and emergency obstetric
and newborn care facilities. Skilled attendants are still insufficient, in terms of numbers and of quality. Discussion is underway to start a direct-entry midwifery education programme, which would contribute to fast-tracking the development of a strong midwifery cadre.
UNFPA ,   (2011 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNFPA : Population studies
14.05.04  -  Welfare And Social Services
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Feeder: LUNI SHRESTHA , Editor: , Auditor:

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