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Information Centre | Nepal
Human Resource Strategy Options for Safe Delivery - HSRSP Report No. 2.11-01-09
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Nepal’s National Safe Motherhood Programme has long been a key component of the country’s major health plans and strategy documents. A policy on skilled birth attendants (SBA) and a long-term plan have been formulated and in-service training of SBAs started. While the government has made considerable gains in reducing maternal mortality, further gains require improving women’s access to competent normal delivery services and safe caesarean sections. Trained and motivated health workers, available at the time of birth, are essential for the provision of such services. The public sector has, however, been unable to maintain constant and adequate staffing of safe delivery services, particularly in rural health facilities. Concerned that the current government health workforce is inadequate to reach the desired levels of improvement in access, the National Safe Motherhood Programme managers requested that a human resource strategy be developed to support the Programme. The DFIDfunded Health Sector Reform Support Programme, implemented by RTI, provided the necessary funding to engage an international consultant, a senior national consultant and a local data collection team. Their task was to prepare the strategy, assure it reflected local decision makers’ thinking and jointly with them, develop a three-year operational plan and budget. Technical experts from the Support to Safe Motherhood Programme worked with the strategy team to define the critical staff categories and skill sets for safe delivery and the type of health facility these cadres work in. Primary data on staff numbers and skills were collected from all Regional Health Directorates and zonal, sub-regional and regional hospitals, as well
as from a sample of 15 districts. The sample covered all geographic areas and development regions and urban and rural areas. Qualitative data, e.g. on factors affecting retention and motivation, were also gathered. Additional data came from visiting private and NGO facilities and local bodies and interviewing students of private medical colleges. Secondary data, available at the central level, were also analyzed.
#SafeMotherhood #SafeDelivery #HealthServices

SSMP, RTI, HSRSP/UNFPA ,   (2009 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNFPA : Population studies
10.02.00  -  Comprehensive Health Services
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