United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
National in-Service Training Strategy for Skilled Birth Attendants 2006 –2012
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The maternal mortality ratio in Nepal is among the highest in South Asia, at 539 per 100,000 live births. Neonatal deaths are also unacceptably high. Global evidence shows that a large proportion of these deaths can be averted through the implementation of basic strategies and programme approaches, including skilled attendance at the birth and access to emergency obstetric care for cases with complications. In order to effectively address maternal and neonatal moralities, the Government of Nepal has prioritized the National Safe Motherhood Programme within the Nepal Health Sector Programme. The National Safe Motherhood and Neonatal Health Long Term Plan 2002-2017 (revised in 2006) aims to establish basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care services in all 75 districts. Complementing this, the National Policy on Skilled Birth Attendants (2006) aims to increase the percentage of births assisted by a s killed birth attendant (as internationally defined) to 60 percent by 2015. This will require a substantial training effort in the next few years, with immediate strengthening and expansion of the number of training sites in the country to meet the required standards and training needs. This In-Service Training Strategy for Skilled Birth Attendants sets out the approaches and outline plans, in line with the Policy for Skilled Birth Attendants, for addressing the training needs of existing public sector staff nurses, auxiliary nurse midwives and doctors, to enable them to be accredited as skilled birth attendants. The main thrust of National Safe Motherhood Programme is to reduce the high levels of maternal and neo-natal mortality and morbidity caused by complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Two major strategies for addressing this issue and improving maternal and neonatal health o utcomes are the provision of 24-hour quality emergency obstetric
care services and ensuring the presence of a skilled birth attendant (SBA) at every delivery, whether at home or in a health facility . Since the commencement of the National Safe Motherhood Programme in 1997, significant progress has been achieved in terms of the development of policies and protocols and expanding the role of staff nurses and auxiliary nurse midwives (ANM) in the provision of life saving services. In order to ensure a more focused approach within the programme, the Family Health Division, Division of the Department of Health Services developed the National Safe Motherhood Plan (2002-2017), which was revised in 2006 to take into account new developments and global learning. T his 15-year plan aims to establish basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care services in all 75 districts. Complementing this, the National Policy on Skilled Birth Attendants (2006) aims to increase the percentage of births assisted by an SBA (as internationally defined) to 60 percent by 2015. This will require a substantial training effort in the next few years, with immediate strengthening and expansion of the number of training sites in the country to meet the required standards and training needs. This in-service SBA training strategy sets out the approaches and outline plans, in line with the SBA policy, for addressing the training needs for existing government staff nurses, ANMs and doctors to ensure they can be accredited as SBAs. The Government also plans to revise pre-service training curricula and standardise training institutions in order to ensure that all newly graduating nurses, ANMs and doctors can be accredited as SBAs. A strategy will be developed to guide the overall implementation ofthe SBA policy, including providing an enabling environment for SBAs.
#MaternalMortality #MaternalHealth #NeonatalHealth
SBA/UNFPA ,   (2007 )
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Thematic Group:
 UNFPA : Population studies
10.02.00  -  Comprehensive Health Services
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