United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Press Statement (23 March 2007)
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The killings in Gaur have exposed the lack of effective policing in many parts of the country, a problem which needs to be addressed as a matter of priority if repetition of such violence is to be avoided. As mentioned yesterday by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr Ian Martin, the perpetrators of these deplorable killings should be identified and brought to justice. The killings also underline the urgent need for the MPRF, the MMM and all political groups to clearly and definitively renounce violence in advancing their political cause. The use of violence will only make a truly inclusive national dialogue more difficult. OHCHR is continuing its investigation.

#PeaceProcess #PeaceAgreement
UNMIN ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.01.00  -  Political Conditions, Institutions, Movements
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Feeder: ANJANA SHRESTHA , Editor: MALIKA THAPA , Auditor:

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