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Information Centre | Nepal
Human Rights, Diversity and Social Justice - Report of a Conference organised by the Constitution Advisory Support Unit, UNDP 29-30 April 2007, Biratnagar, Nepal
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In introducing the themes of the conference, Yash Ghai2 said that the intention was to explore whether it is possible to bring about greater inclusion, and ensure greater justice, through the framework of human rights. The first principal topic of discussion was inclusion or recognition of diversity through which different religions, languages, traditions and regions are made part of the fabric of Nepali society. Inclusion must be defined very broadly to include representation in political institutions, in economy and social life, and respect for all communities’ and individuals’ access to resources, which make life bearable or worthwhile. When talking about better distribution of resources between different communities in Nepal, the question of caste was critical because of the hierarchical nature of Nepali society: some groups enjoy many privileges while others suffer great repression and deprivation of rights. Ghai explained that the conference would not focus on individual rights: freedom of expression, freedom of movement, right to have one’s personal views, right to information, right to assembly - the traditional kind of human rights, which have been well explored in Nepal and are largely uncontroversial. The idea was to look at human rights as a means to fulfilling the people’s demand for social justice. By social justice we mean a fair distribution of the nation’s resources “inclusion” in the economic and social sense rather than in political life. Such social justice can only be achieved if there is recognition of the injustices suffered by groups within society, as well as by individuals.
#HumanRights #Diversity #SocialJustice
UNDP ,   (2008 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
01.07.00  -  General And National Law
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