United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Press Statement (12 January 2007)
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Following encouraging discussions on Nepal in the UN Security Council - and with UN monitors set to begin registering Maoist arms and combatants next week - Ian Martin, the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal, declared from New York on Friday that: “The peace process has reached yet another key juncture, and we look forward to continued progress on both of these fronts.” Martin made his remarks after briefing the Security-Council on Thursday on the Secretary General’s new report in which he proposed a full-fledged UN political mission in support of the peace process in Nepal. Following the closed-door discussions in the Council, Security Council President Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation, told reporters that Council Members were satisfied with the “positive dynamics” in the peace process and were inclined to respond positively to Martin’s calls for rapid approval of the mission and generous international support to the peace process.

Nepali version: http://un.info.np/Net/NeoDocs/View/604

#PeaceProcess #Constitution #Elections
UNMIN ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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