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Information Centre | Nepal
Draft Report of National Land Policy Consultation Workshop
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Protection of property rights is one of the fundamental rights provisioned by the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063. The constitution has provisioned that the government shall take the policy of adopting abolition of feudal ownership and implementing Scientific Land Reform Program and providing access to land to landless, Mukta Kamaiya, Haliya, Haruwa, Charuwa and other deprived people. Various efforts have been done in order to provide access to land to the landless, poor and deprived people. However, there are many economic, social and political issues related with land which need to be resolved by formulating a proper land policy.
This Consultation Workshop has been organized by Ministry of Land Reform and Management (MOLRM) and technical support of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in order to acquire input from a wide range of stakeholders including international experts. A large number of experts participated and expressed their views in this workshop. This included land professionals, professionals of related fields such as agriculture, housing and urban development, forestry, geology, and academicians on these fields. 
#ProtectionOfProperty #Land
GoN, FAO ,   (2010 )
Type / Script:
Draft in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
Reference Link:
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