United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
The First Consultation Meeting For Male Reproductive And Sexual Health In Kathmandu, Nepal
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In order to discuss these issues and developed a range of recommendations for action that deals with the range of male sexual behaviors and the consequent risk for STI/HIV transmission among males, a special consultation meeting organized by Blue Diamond Society. 30 participants were brought together from the range of network in Kathmandu. A number of guests and observers were invited to participate including representatives from UNAIDS, WFP, FHI and also from NGOs working on similar issues.Participants were through 3 days process of identifying the issues,clarifying needs and generating recommendations for action.
The objectives of the meeting included :
• Developing appropriate strategies to address the sexual health needs of MSM in Nepal.
• Encouraging the development of information sharing mechanisms and develop models of good practices in providing local culturally appropriate sexual health promotion strategies among MSM their sexual partners of whatever gender.
• Exploring human rights concerns regarding MSM and developing appropriate mechanism to address these.
• Identifying training needs specifically addressing issues concerning the sexual health needs of MSM and the development of appropriate sexual health services.
#MenSexWithMen #HIV/AIDS #MaleReproductiveHealth #MaleSexualBehaviors #SexualHealth #BlueDiamondSociety
BDS, UNAIDS ,   (2002 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
10.03.01  -  Disease Prevention And Control
Reference Link:
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