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Information Centre | Nepal
Working for Nepalese Children - An Overview of Child Labour Related Programmes in Nepal - 2001
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Nepal had a late start in economic development and modernisation initiatives. Until the 1950s, Nepal remained isolated from the rest of world and had no modern social services infrastructure, cash economy, or economic and trade linkages with countries other than its immediate neighbours. Since then, Nepal has achieved considerable progress in providing elements of modern governance structures, cash economy, and social sector services for its people. Significant developments include a rapid expansion of the educational infrastructure and an increasing number of health service posts in almost every part of the country. Despite these positive developments, Nepal remains one of the poorest countries of the world both in terms of income and in capability poverty. Being a subsistence economy, unemployment is not as widespread as the level of poverty would suggest, but high levels of underemployment and very low wage rates result in poverty even for those employed. Under conditions of extreme poverty, underemployment, and low wages, child labour becomes an acceptable family survival strategy; the high incidence of child labour corroborates this assumption. A National Child Labour Survey was undertaken in 1996 in order to gauge the economic activity of Nepalese children and the intensity of their work (Suwal et al. 1997). Of an estimated 6.2 million Nepalese children aged 5 to 14 years, 2.6 million had worked for at least one year; a work participation rate of just over 40 per cent. Ninety-five per cent of the child workers were found in the rural areas. It is widely believed, however, that an increasing number of children are migrating to India or to the urban areas of Nepal for work.
#Rights #ChildRights #ProtectionOfChild #ChildLabourElimination
ILO ,   (2001 )
Type / Script:
Publication in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
12.06.00  -  Special Categories Of Workers
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Feeder: DINA JANGAM , Editor: SANJIYA SHRESTHA , Auditor:

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