United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
What do we march for?
Voices from Nepal telling what they march for the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where 179 governments, including Nepal, adopted a landmark Programme of Action which set out to empower women and girls for their sake, and for the benefit of their families, communities and nations. We have made incredible gains since then, but too many people are still being left behind. And too many nations have not been able to fully reap the demographic dividend because young people and other groups still lack agency, education and access to critical health services. Increasing the pressure is the deadline to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. We cannot do that if we don’t also reach the goals laid out in the ICPD Programme of Action. From 12-14 November, the governments of Kenya and Denmark and UNFPA are co-convening the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, a high-level conference to mobilize the political will and financial commitments we urgently need to finally and fully implement the ICPD Programme of Action. These commitments will be centred around achieving zero unmet need for family planning information and services, zero preventable maternal deaths, and zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls. The Summit aims to bring everyone together: heads of state, ministers, parliamentarians, thought-leaders, technical experts, civil society organizations, grassroots organizations, young people, business and community leaders, faith-based organizations, indigenous peoples, international financial institutions, people with disabilities, academics and many others interested in the pursuit of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

[Duration]: 38s
[Location]: Nepal
[Video Quality]: 1080p HD
[Audio Quality]: High
[Time and Topic of Scene]:
00:03 - I march for ending unmet need for family planning
00:06 – I march for reproductive health and rights for all
00:10 – I march for accelerating Comprehensive Sexuality Education for all
00:15 - I march for empowering women and girls
00:18 – I march for empowering young people
00:24 – I march for human rights for all
00:28 – Celebrating 25 years of ICPD

#LeaveNoOneBehind #SDGs #GlobalGoals #SDG4 #ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #SDG3 #Womenhealth #WomenRights #HumanRights #SexualityEducation #ComprehensiveSexualityEducation #CSE #GenderBasedViolence #GenderEquality #SDG5 #UNFPA #UNFPANepal #Youth #YoungPeople #YouthLeadership #YouthParticipation #Transformation #Youth #Adolescents #SRHR #SDG10
UNFPA ,   (2019 )
Type / Script:
Video-Media in English
Thematic Group:
 UNFPA : Population studies
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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