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Information Centre | Nepal
Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan Framework for Safe Drinking Water in Kathmandu Valley Lalitpur Sub - Metropolitan City
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Nepal is among the countries with the highest Seismic risk in the world it is ranked as the eleventh at most risk countries in the world (UNDP/BCPR, 2004). Further, a comparative study of 21 cities in seismically hazardous area in the world shows the seismic risk of Kathmandu Valley as the highest (GESI, 2001). The Kathmandu Valley Earthquake Risk Management Project (KVERMP) implemented by National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal (NSET) has estimated a damage of 60% building stocks and 40,000 deaths in a scenario earthquake of intensity IX MMI. Another study, the Study on Earthquake Disaster Mitigation for Kathmandu Valley (JICA, 2001) has estimated about 18,000 deaths with a scenario earthquake of MMI VIII. A more detail study,a study on Seismic Vulnerability of Drinking Water Supply in Kathmandu Valley carried out by NSET with the support from UNICEF has estimated that most part of the valley will be without piped water supply for several months and several areas could remain without water service for over one year (NSET, 2003).These very high estimates on the possible casualty and the building damage rate demands an urgent need of earthquake risk reduction and preparedness.
UNICEF ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNICEF : Children Fund
13.02.00  -  Disaster Prevention, Preparedness And Relief
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