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Information Centre | Nepal
Impact brief: High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas
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Objective: The primary objective of HVAP was to reduce rural poverty and improve food security through enhanced value chains for high-value agricultural commodities in the hill and mountainous areas of Nepal. The project employed a unique approach bringing different actors of the value chain together; smallholder producers were linked with input suppliers, traders, technical service providers, and financial institutions. The project also provided business literacy training and helped strengthen production and marketing by forming farmers cooperatives or groups, collectively called producer organizations (POs).

Financing: The project was co-financed by IFAD, the Government of Nepal and the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. The total cost of the project was US$18.9 million.

Timing: The project was approved in December 2009, and implementation was started in February 2011 under the supervision of Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. The project was completed in September 2018.
#IFAD #FoodSecurity #ReducePoverty #HighValueAgricultureProject #HVAP
IFAD ,   (2018 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 IFAD : International Fund for Agricultural Development
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
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