United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Promoting Recovery and Resilience among Earthquake affected Communities: Communication and Social Mobilisation Initiatives to Address Human Trafficking and Gender-based Violence
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Through the concerted efforts of the government and development partners, Nepal has made noteworthy progress over the last few decades. However, significant developmental challenges remain and it is among one of the least developed countries in Asia with high levels of poverty. Over the last few years, many people migrated from rural to urban areas or even to foreign countries looking for better education or livelihoods and more often than not, without a proper safety net. While data on migration is available, there is a lack of recent and reliable information on the magnitude of unsafe migration and human trafficking in Nepal, especially with regards to children and young people. According to the Nepal Police, from mid-2015 till mid 2016, 1630 women and children were rescued by the police from human trafficking check points at border areas. In addition, according to the Central Child Welfare Board, 2,772 children were reported missing between July 2016 and July 2017. Research suggests that annually, approximately 12,000 children are trafficked to India, mainly for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Furthermore, an estimated 11,000 to 13,000 girls and women are working in the ‘night entertainment industry‘in Kathmandu Valley alone, the majority of whom are children4 . However, it is believed that these existing data do not represent well the magnitude of the problem and that actual numbers are likely to be much higher.
Natural disasters as a magnifier: Disasters such as the earthquakes in Nepal in April and May 2015 often go along with destruction of livelihoods as well as reduction in the protection and security provided by the family and community. This places children and young people at an increased risk of sexual violence, gender-based abuses, human trafficking and unsafe migration. UNICEF in partnership with the Alliance against Trafficking in Women and Children in Nepal (AATWIN) aimed to build the capacities of civil society organisations, community-based groups and networks, as well as children, adolescents and young people in selected districts to increase their knowledge about safe migration and human trafficking, and as such strengthen their resilience and preparedness to deal with the exacerbation of these issues during natural disasters. Communication and social mobilization initiatives were implemented to address critical issues at the local level, ensure requisite action by duty bearers, and empower communities to deal with future disasters.
Over 57,000 people reached with messages on disaster risk reduction, human trafficking, safe migration and gender-based violence.
3,650 interactive sessions conducted by 156 trained youth mobilizers and 18 community workers reaching adolescents, youth and other rights holders of the community and resulting in the development of 469 Community Action Plans.
2,383 key stakeholders reached during 115 meetings at national, district and local level, putting safe migration and human trafficking on the political agenda.
322 media personnel reached through media missions and trainings. A total of 136 packages of 5-minutes duration were produced and aired 4,243 times through local radio stations.
#UNICEF #GBV #HumanTrafficking #EarthquakeAffectedCommunities
UNICEF Nepal ,   (2018 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNICEF : Children Fund
14.05.03  -  Social Development
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