United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Responding to Domestic Violence: A Resource Guide for UN Personnel in Nepal
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Domestic violence is one of the most common and least visible forms of violence. It has devastating consequences not only for the lives of those abused but also for their families, communities and societies more broadly. It is one of the most pressing human rights issues across the world; and yet it remains hidden, the shame and stigma making it difficult for survivors to talk about their suffering and to seek help. According to Nepal’s National Demographic Health Survey (2016), 84 per cent of ever-married women who have experienced physical violence report their current husbands as the perpetrators, while for 11 per cent of women it is their former husband. However, while intimate partner violence accounts for a high proportion of domestic violence cases, it is important to remember that it can also be perpetrated by other family members or those living in the same household. The findings from the 2017 UN Personnel Survey on Domestic Violence in Nepal show that the issue also affects many of our personnel here. Indeed, the Survey indicates that UN personnel in Nepal experience domestic violence at rates very similar to Nepali women at large. We have a duty to ensure that the UN is both a safe and supportive workplace for all its personnel - irrespective of gender, caste, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability. This extends to addressing domestic violence as a workplace issue. This resource guide serves as a reference for UN personnel and their family members to better understand domestic violence and how we as individuals can support ourselves or our colleagues to address this issue in our families or workplaces. It provides a broad range of information and resources for those seeking assistance or wanting to learn more about domestic violence, including options for how to respond. It will be an important addition to UN agencies’ induction packages for new personnel and it complements existing resources available on the topic for UN personnel in Nepal. This publication is an outcome of collaboration between the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS/ UN Women (Nepal) Personnel Association, and of the UN Country Team’s Gender Theme Group. However, it is also a ‘living document’ that will benefit from your inputs as UN personnel. I thus like to invite all of you to read the resource book, and to provide any comments or feedback directly to the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS/UN Women (Nepal) Staff Association, or the UN Gender Theme Group. Addressing domestic violence is possible but requires concerted efforts from all of us. It is our responsibility to be better equipped to help those amongst us affected by domestic violence, and help build families, workplaces and communities where violence is not acceptable. Breaking the silence around the issue at our workplace can help to break the cycle of violence.
#respondingtodomesticviolence #domesticviolence #resourceguideforunpersonnelinnepal #unwomen
UNWomen ,   (2019 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNWOMEN : Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
14.05.03  -  Social Development
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Feeder: PRATIBHA DAWADI@GMAIL COM , Editor: , Auditor:

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