United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
EDUCATION about 266 results (0.0084 in miliseconds)  
Basic Education The public education system in Nepal has grown at a steady pace since the early 1950s when there were fewer than a hundred schools. Today, there are tens of thousands of primary schools across the country, greatly extending access to basic education....
UN Agencies Concerned That Children Are Again Used In Demonstrations United nations agencies are concerned that children are again being deployed by adults to participate in demonstration and rallies.worried that they are missing school, and we are not at all sure that they have the consent of their parents or guardia...
UNICEF, (2006)
Harnessing literacy as a development accelerator and a force for peace in Nepal Official statement to mark International Literacy Day, 8 September 2011 Literacy is a development accelerator and a force for peace in Nepal. However, too many people in the country still cannot read and write and hence not fully participate in the peace and development process. International Literacy Day is celebrated a...
UNESCO, (2011)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 4 (as of 21 August 2017) This report is produced by Office of the Resident Coordinator Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners and includes the preparedness and aid provided for the relief of the flood victims.As reported on 18th August, the Government of Nepal ha...
CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
UNICEF in Nepal Country Programme 2008-2010 By 2008, full stability had not yet returned to Nepal despite the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Accord in 2006. The ten years of conflict worsened the situation for many vulnerable people – child labour and trafficking increased, for example, whil...
UNICEF, (2008)
Analytical Study of Basic Social Service in Nepal The level of human development in Nepal is among the lowest in the world, despite improvement seen in Education, health and other social services over the years. There has been little development which is inequitable as is reflected in the gender,cas...
UNICEF, (2006)
16 Days of Activism Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 A student sharing her thoughts and experience of domestic violence in her surrounding. #UN #UNIC #16DaysOfActivism #GenuineSchool2019 #EducationalOutreach #GenderBasedViolence #YouthInvolvement #OrangeTheWorld #GlobalAction ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah, the National Information Officer of UNIC giving an awareness speech on the Gender Based Violence and domestic violence in the society at Guhyeshwori School. This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC explaining about the 5 different types of Sexual Harassment to the students. #UN #UNIC #16DaysOfActivism #GenuineSchool#EducationalOutreach #GenderBasedViolence #YouthInvolvement #OrangeTheWorld #GlobalAction...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
Women's Voice Enrich Nepali Public Life Despite a relatively gender balanced birth rate, today for every 100 women, there are only 94 men. This is because of a mass economic migration pattern leaving women to take on more non-traditional gender roles out of necessity. But the hardships are...
UN, (2017)
महिला आवज सुन्नुपर्छ नेपाली राजनीतिमा महिलाले यथोचित स्थान पाउँदै गएका छन। उनिहरु मतदाता र उम्मेदवारका रूपमा दर्ज भएका छन, राजनीतिक पद पार्‍प्तिका लागी अगर्‍सर छन एवम दुरदराजदेखी राजधानीसम्म्का नागरिक कर्तब्य निर्बाह गर्दैछन। यसले समतापूर्ण राज्नितिक स्वरको आधारभुमी ...
UN, (2017)
UNICEF NEPAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME- (2018-2022) Over the next five years, UNICEF will work to ensure that all children, especially the most disadvantaged, benefit from improved access, participation and learning outcomes in inclusive, safe and protective environments. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ...
unicef, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 A student from Grade 8, GEMS School interacting with the audience during the discussion session while attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Ram Babu Shah and Rajendra Man Banepali receiving a gift from Ujwol Shrestha, staff representative of GEMS School after the completion of the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutrea...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Ram Babu Shah and Rajendra Man Banepali receiving a gift from Ujwol Shrestha, staff representative of GEMS School after the completion of the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutrea...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Ram Babu Shah delivering a welcome speech to the Grade 8 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Ram Babu Shah, Rajendra Man Banepali, students of GEMS School along with Ujwol Shrestha and other staff representatives of GEMS School strike a pose after the completion of the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hal...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Ram Babu Shah, Rajendra Man Banepali, Ujwol Shrestha and other staff representatives of GEMS School strike a pose after the completion of the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutrea...
UNIC, (2019)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 8 (as of 13 September 2017) The UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated US$4.8 million to flood response efforts in Nepal. To-date, over 1 million flood affected people have benefited from humanitarian assistance from 9 Clusters. Preparations for next week’s election...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 9 (as of 20 September 2017) Elections in Province 2 have contributed to a major slow down in relief activities. Combined humanitarian Clusters face a shortfall of US$32 million for flood response activities. This is the last Sit Rep that the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office(UN...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Lessons From Integrating Peace, Human Rights, and Civic Education Into Social Studies Curricula And Textbooks A collaborative and systematic curriculum revision process was undertaken in 2007 to integrate PHRCE into the social studies curriculum, supported by UNICEF funding from the Government of the Netherlands. The initiative built on work by UNESCO to int...
Status, Trends and Challenges of Education For All in South Asia (2000-2015): A Summary Report #Education #EducationForAll #SouthAsia #SAARC This summary report has been developed as a sequel to analytical study of Status, trends and challenges of EFA in South Asia (2000 – 2015), conducted by the National University of Education Planning and Management (NUEPA), India, with the technical a...
UNESCO, (2015)
16 Days for Activism 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah the National Information Officer of UNIC giving the awareness speech on the Gender Based Violence and domestic violence in the society at Guyeshwori School. This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and o...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 200 students of Guyeshwori School participating in the 16 Days of Activism at their school premises.This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination o...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 A student listening in depth and showing the interest towards speech and interaction during the campaign of 16 Days of Activism. #UNWomen #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #November25 #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students of Guyeshwori School posing in front of school after the interactive session about Gender Based Violence by UNIC team. #UNWomen #UNNepal #UN #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC showing the ratio data of women aged 14-49 in Nepal has been has been part of various violence. #UNWomen #UN #SDG5 #UNNepal #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalC...
UNIC, (2019)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The School Sector Development Plan (SSDP), a comprehensive education plan, was formally adopted by the Ministry of Education. As a member of the Local Education Development Partner Group (LEDPG), WFP has been actively involved in the consultations an...
WFP, (2016)
Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next generation. Therefore, it is very critical to empower and capacitate women in general and poor women from the discrimin...
UNFPA, (2007)
Educational Outreach Program on February 2009 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer, interacts with a Student in an Educational Outreach Program. #Students #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #Photo #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Educational Outreach Program on February 2009 Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer, in an Educational Outreach Program sharing his knowledge. The Outreach program was conducted on the date of 27th February, 2009. #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #2009 #Photo...
UNIC, (2009)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 A Socio-demographic Impact study ( With reference to 14 most affected districts) The April 25 earthquake in Nepal and the subsequent aftershocks resulted in losses not only in terms of lives and physical infrastructures but also of historical, social, cultural and economic aspects of the country and its population. Thirty-one out...
The Central Department of Population Studies TU, (2016)
WFP Nepal Country Brief Nepal Country Programme (CP 200319) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas: Livelihood creation provides seasonal emplo...
WFP, (2017)
WFP Nepal Country Brief The Country Programme (CP) supports the Government of Nepal in enhancing the food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities and increasing resilience to disasters. The CP covers four areas:Livelihood creation provides seasonal employment and l...
WFP, (2017)
Assignment Report on Medical Education (Anaesthesiology) in Nepal Reference: Dr Burtles R. (1974). Assignment Report on Medical Education (Anaesthesiology) in Nepal, Nepal (WHO Project: NEPAL 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iris/ The writer is happy to acknowledge the great help afforded him by Dr B.R. Baidya, ...
WHO, (1974)
BRICS Aid to Education from the Recipient's Point of View the Case of Nepal Foreign aid in Nepal has been an early fifties phenomenon right after the first democratic movement in 1951 in Nepal. Foreign aid, since then, is thought to be instrumental in achieving the socio-economic development of Nepal. Foreign aid to this end...
UNESCO, (2015)
UNESCO Condemns Placement of Explosives at Kathmandu Schools. UNESCO strongly condemns the planting of multiple Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and suspicious objects near school buildings around the Kathmandu Valley, out of which three exploded in the early morning of 20 September 2016. “It is unacceptabl...
UNESCO, (2016)
UNICEF Condemns the Bomb Incidents at Schools in Kathmandu UNICEF condemned the placement and explosion of bombs at more than half a dozen schools in Kathmandu Valley today. According to reports, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and suspicious packages were placed in at least eight schools, and two of the...
UNICEF, (2016)
युनिसेफद्वारा काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाका विध्यलयाहरुमा भएको विष्फोटको भत्सर्ना युनिसेफले आज काठमाडौँ उपत्यकाका आधा दर्जनभन्दा धेरै विध्यालयमा बम राखिएको र बिस्फोट गराईएको घटनाको भर्त्सना गरेको छ। खबरहरुको अनुसार , कम्तिमा आठ वटा विध्यालयमा विस्फोटक पदार्थ र संकास्पद वस्तुहरु राखिएको थियो जसमध्ये दुइ विध्यालयमा बिस्फोट भई भौतिक...
UNICEF, (2016)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, a student from GEMS School asking a question during the interactive session. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 During the educational outreach programme, students from GEMS School filling up the feedback forms. The event was organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Grade 9 students from GEMS School attending the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN Conference Hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Rajendra Man Banepali delivering a speech to the audience during the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
Educational Outreach Programme: GEMS School 2019 Ram Babu Shah delivering a speech to the audience during the educational outreach programme organised by UNIC at the UN conference hall, UN House. #EducationalOutreach2019 #GEMSSchool...
UNIC, (2019)
DSG Ms. Amina J. Mohammed's Nepal Visit 2018 Soon upon the arrival, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Ms. Amina J. Mohammed met with Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal KP Sharma Oli & Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali. Both the meetings focused on Nepal-UN bilatera...
UNIC, (2018)
DSG Ms. Amina J. Mohammed's Nepal Visit 2018 Soon upon the arrival, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Ms. Amina J. Mohammed met with Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal KP Sharma Oli & Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali. Both the meetings focused on Nepal-UN bilatera...
UNIC, (2018)
DSG Ms. Amina J. Mohammed's Nepal Visit 2018 Soon upon the arrival, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Ms. Amina J. Mohammed met with Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal KP Sharma Oli & Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali. Both the meetings focused on Nepal-UN bilatera...
UNIC, (2018)
DSG Ms. Amina J. Mohammed's Nepal Visit 2018 Soon upon the arrival, the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Ms. Amina J. Mohammed met with Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal KP Sharma Oli & Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali. Both the meetings focused on Nepal-UN bilatera...
UNIC, (2018)
Building UNESCO National Education Support Strategy (UNESS) Nepal 2008-2013 Building a prosperous, modern and just Nepal that is economically independent and free from poverty is the key priority of the Government of Nepal (GoN). Achieving employment-oriented, pro-poor and broad based economic growth and appropriate human re...
Winning People’s Will For Girl Child Education: Community Mobilisation for Gender Equality in Basic Education-A Case Study Nepal’s approach to education is changing and recent developments towards increasingly child-friendly education, and inclusive schooling are encouraging. The growth in NFE initiatives has allowed for greater access to education for many people tradit...
UNESCO, (2005)