United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
YOUTH about 244 results (0.0087 in miliseconds)  
74th UN Day 2019 Bhrikuti Rai famous investigative reporter based on technology , Human Rights, Empowerment sharing her knowledge, information and experiences with the audience in UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #HumanRights #SDGS #Globalgoals #Interaction #Knowlegdeshar...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 On the occasion of the 74th UN Day, 4 renowned speaker like Samriddhi Rai, Bhrikuti Rai, Saroj Phuyal, Shristic KC were invited for the panel discussion with the audience especially with youth talking about the youth empowerment, equality and signif...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 One of youth participant got the change to be a part of speed mentoring with UNAIDS country director which is the one to one interaction with mentee and mentor with the head of agencies. #UNDAY #UNDay74 #SDGs #UNAIDS #Youthinteraction #Mentoring #...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019 Supriya Sthapit and Niharika Kharel, interns of UNIC striking a pose from their stall in UN Day 2019 #UNDAY #2019 #UNIC #Interns #Youth #Youthempowerment #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
74th UN DAY 2019 Valerie Julliand, a resident coordinator providing speed mentoring to one of the youth participant for the one on one youth interaction for 5 minutes. #UNDAY #UN@74 @SDGs #YouthInteraction #YouthInvolvement #Influencer #Globalgoals ...
UNIC, (2019)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
16 Days Of Activism 2019 Ms.Supriya Sthapit an intern of UN Information Center providing orientation about Gender Based Violence to the students of Champa Devi School, Taudaha in the occasion of 16 Days of Activism. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is a...
UNIC, (2019)
Human rights, elections and young people 4 July 2007 The right to participation is one of the key principles with regard to electoral and political processes. Young people like yourselves will be the leaders of the future. You are among the stakeholders of the peace process, and you should have an impo...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
16 Days of Activism 2019 The Educational Outreach for the 16 Days of Activism took place at Champadevi School, Tadaha, Lalitpur there were 56 students including some personals and staffs of the school and 4 UNIC, Nepal members were present. The 16 Days of Activism against Ge...
UNIC, (2019)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
16 Days of Activism Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 A student sharing her thoughts and experience of domestic violence in her surrounding. #UN #UNIC #16DaysOfActivism #GenuineSchool2019 #EducationalOutreach #GenderBasedViolence #YouthInvolvement #OrangeTheWorld #GlobalAction ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah, the National Information Officer of UNIC giving an awareness speech on the Gender Based Violence and domestic violence in the society at Guhyeshwori School. This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Students participating in an interactive session being conducted by UNIC team as a part of the 16 days of activism campaign. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the ...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
16th Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC explaining about the 5 different types of Sexual Harassment to the students. #UN #UNIC #16DaysOfActivism #GenuineSchool#EducationalOutreach #GenderBasedViolence #YouthInvolvement #OrangeTheWorld #GlobalAction...
Niharika / UNIC, (2019)
A Nepali SRHR advocate born with HIV Mala Neupane of Nepal has been an HIV positive since birth. She advocates for integration of HIV services with sexual and reproductive health and also promotes comprehensive sexuality education in whatever manner she can. In this video, she talks abo...
UNFPA, (2019)
Adolescent pregnancy Many girls are waiting to claim their power and fulfil their potential. Let’s help them exercise their rights and realize their aspirations. Let’s invest in their health, education, skills and leadership. This video on adolescent pregnancy and the im...
UNFPA, (2019)
What do we march for? Voices from Nepal telling what they march for the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, where 179 governments, including Nepal, adopted a landmark...
UNFPA, (2019)
Success Stories of the Entrepreneurs This book is about motivating stories of 11 youth entrepreneurs from different parts of Nepal. The stories depicts the struggle and hardships of the entrepreneurs and how they prosper their businesses. The book is published by Ministy of Education, S...
UNDP, (2020)
A Youth Guide for Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is expected to shape the world’s common future for at least the next 15 years. With half of the world under the age of 30, it is crucial that young people are put at the forefront of change and development....
UNFPA, YUWA, (2016)
A Youth Guide for Sustainable Development Goals in Nepal The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is expected to shape the world’s common future for at least the next 15 years. With half of the world under the age of 30, it is crucial that young people are put at the forefront of change and development....
UNFPA, YUWA, (2016)
In The Know- UNDP Nepal Newsletter-Issue 16, April 2008 In the Know is the 67 issue of July 2012 by UNDP Nepal Newsletter which consists of the following headlines:The biggest all-female expedition to Mount Everest begins two-months journey; Peace and Development; Government replicates performance based g...
UNDP, (2008)
16 Days for Activism 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah the National Information Officer of UNIC giving the awareness speech on the Gender Based Violence and domestic violence in the society at Guyeshwori School. This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and o...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 200 students of Guyeshwori School participating in the 16 Days of Activism at their school premises.This Campaign generally talks about organizing strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination o...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 A student listening in depth and showing the interest towards speech and interaction during the campaign of 16 Days of Activism. #UNWomen #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #November25 #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students of Guyeshwori School posing in front of school after the interactive session about Gender Based Violence by UNIC team. #UNWomen #UNNepal #UN #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC showing the ratio data of women aged 14-49 in Nepal has been has been part of various violence. #UNWomen #UN #SDG5 #UNNepal #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalC...
UNIC, (2019)
UN Traineeshp Cohort VIII Welcome Program 2020 UN Traineeshp Cohort VIII Welcome Program 2020 An orientation was conducted by the personnel of UN Agencies to the 64 selected trainee on 14 Feb, 2020 at UN House Pulchowk. The pictures showcases the trainee attending session about UN agencies in th...
UNIC, (2020)
UN Traineeshp Cohort VIII Welcome Program 2020 UN Traineeshp Cohort VIII Welcome Program 2020 An orientation was conducted by the UN Agencies to the 64 selected trainee on 14 Feb, 2020 at UN House Pulchowk. The event was coordinated by Ms Valerie Julliand and UN Nepal as a whole. #UN #YouthPart...
UNIC, (2020)
YOUTH INVOLVEMENT IN THE PEACEFUL AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF NEPAL The Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed in 2006 after a decade-long conflict, the effects were far reaching and devastating. Women became widows,children lost their parents, many lost their property and jobs, schools were closed. Youths suffered...
UNPFN, (2017)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session took place in Thames International College, Old Baneshwor on December 12, 2019 which was organized by UN Information Centre. 19 students along with a teacher and 3 UNIC staffs participated in this session. ‘Chiya Guff’ is basical...
UNIC, (2019)
UNFPA PUTS YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE PICTURE THROUGH SELFIES KATHMANDU, 6 JUNE 2014 The idea behind this campaign is to gather selfies as a show of support and use them to communicate to decision-makers that young people all over the world want to make sure that they are put in the picture of future development plans. This is part ...
UNFPA, (2014)
Internal Trafficking Among Children and Youth Engaged In Prostitution The present study Internal Trafficking Among Children and Youth Engaged in Prostitution attempts to identify the causes and elements of trafficking among children and youth engaged in prostitution in the Kathmandu Valley. The study, under the ILO...
ILO, (2002)
Youth interaction with the UN Former intern of UN Information Center Nepal Mr. Prajwal Shrestha sharing his experience with participants at youth interaction with the UN program. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInterac...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Mr. Rajendra Banepali giving presentation about UN, during youth interaction with the UN program. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Mr. Ram Babu Shah giving information about UN in Nepal to youths, during youth interaction with UN program. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participant of the program interacting with UN official during youth interaction with UN program.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participant of the program interacting with UN official during youth interaction with UN program.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participant of the program interacting with UN official during youth interaction with UN program.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participant of the program interacting with UN official during youth interaction with UN program.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participant of the program interacting with UN official during youth interaction with UN program.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participant of the program interacting with UN official during youth interaction with UN program.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participants of the youth interaction with the UN program filling UP United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) 2019 Briefing Participants Survey form. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthIntera...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participants of the youth interaction with the UN program filling UP United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) 2019 Briefing Participants Survey form. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthIntera...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participants of the youth interaction with the UN program taking group picture. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019 ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Participants of the youth interaction with the UN program watching video about the UN. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Students from different college participating at youth interaction with the UN program. UN Staffs informed participants regarding traineeship, internship and job opportunity at UN.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AY...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Students from Santwona and Kamc college participating at youth interaction with the UN program. Students interact with UN Staffs regarding traineeship, internship and job opportunity.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. ...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Students of different college participating at youth interaction with the UN program. Mr Ram Babu Shah giving presentation about the UN.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Students of different college participating at youth interaction with the UN program. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN Students of different college participating at youth interaction with the UN program. The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthInteractionwiththeUN2019...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN UN official informing students of different college about traineeship, internship and job opportunity at UN and how they can start their career at UN.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthIntera...
UNIC, (2019)
Youth interaction with the UN UN official informing students of different college about traineeship, internship and job opportunity at UN and how they can start their career at UN.The picture was taken at UN Conference hall, UN House, Pulchowk. #AYON #KMC #Santwona #YouthIntera...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. Discussion about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human right violation and criminal act took...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. Discussion about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human right violation and criminal act took...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. Discussion about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human right violation and criminal act took...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali receiving a Token of Love on behalf of UNIC on Chiya Guff Session conducted at KMC College A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18...
UNIC, (2019)
Launch of UNCTAD's Least Developed Countries Report 2019 Mr.Ram Babu Shah National Information Officer of UNIC briefing the reporters about UNCTAD report launch. The event took place on Nov 19, 2019 at UN House, Pulchowk. #UN #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNCTAD #LDCs #LDCReport2019 #DevelopmentPolicies #Youth...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. The main agenda of the program was to interact about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human r...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. The main agenda of the program was to interact about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human r...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. The main agenda of the program was to interact about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human r...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. The main agenda of the program was to interact about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human r...
UNIC, (2019)
Chiya Guff 2019 A Chiya Guff session was conducted among the students of Kathmandu Model College, Balkumari and UN Information Center on December 18, 2019. The main agenda of the program was to interact about human rights, focusing on the differences between Human r...
UNIC, (2019)
Employment Permit System Youths queue up to fill up application for employment in Republic of Korea through EPS #UN #IOM #Youth #Employment #SDG #EmploymentinRepublicofKorea #EPS...
IOM, (2013)
Labour Migrant Returning from Qatar Mr. Nil Kumar Magar from Okhaldhunga district, is a labour migrant returning from Qatar. On average, every day, approximately 800 Nepalis leave the country through formal channels to work abroad. Returning migrants not only bring remittances but also...
IOM, (2019)
School Level Debate Competition A school girl speaks at a school-level debate competition on “Women in Foreign Employment: An opportunity or a challenge" organized to raise awareness on safe migration and human trafficking among youths at Dhading district. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #Schoo...
IOM, (2017)
UNDP Nepal Youth Strategy 2018-2022 (in Nepali) नेपालका युवाको विकासमा धेरै तथ्यहरूले अवरोध गरिरहेका छन् । तिनमा रोजगारीका अवसरहरूको कमी, राजनीतिक प्रक्रियामा सीमित सहभागिता, अवैध गतिविधिमा संलग्नता, जलवायु परिवर्तनको जोखिम र भेदभावका विभिन्न स्वरूप लगायतका पर्दछन् । रोजगारीका अवसरहरूको कमीको फल...
UNDP, (2017)
Nepali Youth in Figures December 2014 Nepal, the National Population and Housing Census is carried out at decennial intervals to identify detailed information about the size and structure of the population.According to the last census carried out in 2011, the total population of Nepal is...
GoN, UNPFA, (2011)
The Role of Training Programs for Youth Employment in Nepal: Impact Evaluation Report on the Employment Fund The youth unemployment rate is exceptionally high in the developing world. Because quality of education is arguably one of the most important determinants of youth’s labor force participation, governments worldwide have responded by creating job trai...
WB, (2015)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
Holocaust 2020 Holocaust 2020 UN Nepal in collaboration with the German Embassy, Israel Embassy and EU is conducting the educational outreach program for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the government schools in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur. In...
UNIC, (2020)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A group photo featuring the students and the teachers of ‘Rajarshi Gurukul’ and Mr. Rajendra Banepali from UNIC during their outreach program at UN House on November 13, 2019. The students were briefed about UN, its activities in Nepal and Sustainabl...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student filling the briefing participant survey form by UNIC where they can express the experience of Educational Outreach 2019 and add their comments and suggestions. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student filling the briefing participant survey form by UNIC where they can express the experience of Educational Outreach 2019 and add their comments and suggestions. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student from ‘Rajarshi Gurukul’ enjoying her tea/coffee as she goes through the IEC materials provided by UNIC during their outreach program at UN conference hall, UN House on November 13, 2019. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #Educati...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student from Sudesha School asking about how UN can help to improve the degrading Climate Change in Nepal during the interaction round happened in UN conference Hall in Nov 13th 2019 #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #...
UNIC/Nharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student of Rajashree Gurukul asking questions to ask during the Educational Outreach in November 13 2019 at the UN House. The students were very interactive and willing to show more interest to know about the UN works and Agenda's. #UNIC #UNICNep...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student of Rajashree Gurukul was present with the set of questions to ask during the Educational Outreach in November 13 2019 at the UN House. The students were very interactive and willing to show more interest to know about the UN works and Agend...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student of Sudesha School filling the briefing participant survey form by UNIC where they can express the experience of Educational Outreach 2019 and add their comments and suggestions. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutrea...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A student of Sudesha School was also present with the set of questions to ask during the Educational Outreach in November 13 2019 at the UN House. The students were very interactive and willing to show more interest to know about the UN works and Age...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A students of Rajashree Gurukul gifted the token of love to UNIC for organizing the informative Educational Outreach in UN house. A beautiful handmade painting of UN logo and peace making logo defining the UN in general. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP...
UNIC/Niharka Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 A UN staff Maya didi serving tea and snack to the students who were participated in educational Outreach in 13th November 2019 in UN House. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepal...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 FAO Nepal’s M&E Officer Niranjan Dangol and Rajendra Banepali from UNIC orienting students of ‘Sudesha School’ and ‘Rajarshi Gurukul’ about UN activities in Nepal. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #Raj...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 FAO staffs Mr. Vidhu Kayastha and Mr. Niranjan Dangol orienting students of ‘Sudesha School’ and ‘Rajarshi Gurukul’ on ‘FAO and its activities in Nepal’ as a part of UN agencies visit during their outreach program at UN House on November 13, 2019. ...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah who is the National Information Officer of UNIC Nepal giving the descriptive presentation on the UN and their goals,agenda's, thematic area and priorities. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchoo...
Niharika/UNIC, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah who is the National Information Officer of UNIC Nepal giving the descriptive presentation on the UN and their goals,agenda's, thematic area and priorities. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchoo...
UNIC/Niharika kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Mr Ram Babu Shah who is the National Information Officer of UNIC Nepal sharing the access to Digital Library of UN by UNIC where we can getall the publications, Job opportunities, works of UN and photo in UNDRN (UN Digital Repository in Nepal) #UN...
UNIC/NIharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Niranjan Dangol Monitoring and Evaluation office of FAO interacting with students and talking about how FAO works and what are their agenda's. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepa...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Students of ‘Rajarshi Gurukul’ interacting with each other during their outreach program at UN House on November 13, 2019. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepal #FAONepal #UNICEF...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Students of ‘Rajarshi Gurukul’ striking a pose during their outreach program at UN conference hall, UN House on November 13, 2019. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepal #FAONepal...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Students of ‘Sudesha School’ enjoying their tea/coffee during their outreach program at UN conference hall, UN House on November 13, 2019. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepal #...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019 Students of ‘Sudesha School’ striking a pose during their outreach program at UN conference hall, UN House on November 13, 2019. #UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepal #FAONepal #...
UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)