United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
WORKSHOP about 53 results (0.0197 in miliseconds)  
Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multisectoral Collaboration for the Prevention and Control of Zoonosis Expansion of population, higher demand on agriculture and livestock production, extensive use of antimicrobial and global warming triggers the emergence and re-emergence of new pathogens, contributing the significant risk of public health threat. Thi...
WHO, FAO, OIE, (2013)
Remarks by Richard Bennett Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at a Programme to Mark World Press Freedom Day Organised by the Federation of Nepali Journalists and UNESCO With Support From OHCHR-Nepal OHCHR remains concerned about the state of media freedom in Nepal. In January, Uma Singh became the latest journalist to be killed in the post-conflict era. Although the Nepal Police appears to have duly carried out its investigation in this case, m...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
Assignment Report on The Training Programme for Auxiliary Health Workers in Nepal: The Role of The Auxiliary Health Workers' Training School, Kathmandu (WHO Project: Nepal 0021) Reference: Dr. Dowling, M.A.C. (1970). Assignment Report on The Training Programme for Auxiliary Health Workers in Nepal: The Role of The Auxiliary Health Workers' Training School, Kathmandu (WHO Project: Nepal 0021), WHO. URL-http://apps.who.int/iri...
WHO, (1970)
STATEMENT OF MS LAXMI MENON, Head of IFAD's Corporate Service Department NATIONAL ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOP NEPAL COUNTRY PROGRAMME EVALUATION Kathmandu, 23 January 2013 This bulletin consists of statement of Ms Laxmi Menon, Head of IFAD's Corporate Service Department regarding the National Roundtable Workshop jointly organized by Government of Nepal and IFAD. The workshop is the culmination of the Nepal Country Prog...
IFAD, (2013)
Regional Workshop on National Nutrition Surveillance (30 November–2 December 2009) The World Health Organization’s Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO), in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition for Health & Development, WHO-HQ and the Ministry of Public Health and Family Welfare, Government of Nepal, organized a...
WHO, (2010)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017. #SanjaySrivastava #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017. #SanjaySrivastava #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017. Mr. Michael Williamson, Officer-in-Charge Sub-regional Office for South and...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, giving speech in the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017. #SanjaySrivastava #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop #Speech...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, giving speech in the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017. Mr. Michael Williamson, Officer-in-Charge Sub-regional Office for So...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participant is doing question and answer session in the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participant is doing question and answer session in the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participant is doing question and answer session in the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. #Participants #UNIC #2017 #Photo #Workshop...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, #SanjayS...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, #SanjayS...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, #RamBabuShah #Participa...
UNIC, (2017)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Reporters 0f ATV taking an interview with Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Chief Disaster Risk Reduction ESCAP, in the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017. #SanjaySrivastava #UNIC #2017 #Photo ...
UNIC, (2017)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 63 (March-April 2017) Following headings are included in UN Newsletter: 1. Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-WOMEN and WFP visit Nepal 2. Towards Planet 50:50: Enabling women’s leadership and representation in local governance in Nepal 3. From farm l...
UNIC, (2017)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Master Student's of Library Science clicking pictures in Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali, UNIC, giving Presentation about UNDRN in Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #RajendraBanepali #Presentation #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, giving speech in Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #RamBabuShah #Workshop #TU #UNIC #Photo #2017 #UNHouse...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 Participants are attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #Students #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 UN Intrens are attending Workshop with TU Library Science Department 2014 in UN House. #UNInterns #Workshop #LibraryScience #TU #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Governance, Conflict Prevention and Peace-building Community of Practice Workshop Building on Strengths, Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future In November 2006, the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre (OGC), in collaboration with UNDP Nepal, UNDP BCPR, and International IDEA organized the global workshop on Governance, Conflict Prevention and Peace-building in Kathmandu, Nepal. 31 UNDP programme...
UNDP, (2006)
RCPD Workshop with Professors and Students Professors,students and teachers from different college and school attended RCPD workshop at UN house. #Workshop #RCPD #Teachers #Professors #Students #UNhouse #2018...
UNIC, (2018)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 Mr. Rajendra Man Banepali, UNIC, presenting presentation on UNDRN in UNDRN Workshop 2017 UN conference Hall. #RajendraBanepali #Presentation #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2017)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 Mr. Vidhu Prakash Kayastha, FAO, attending UNDRN Workshop 2017 in UN conference Hall. #VidhuPrakash #UNStaff #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2017)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 Ms. Richa Ranjeet, UNDP, attending UNDRN Workshop 2017 in UN conference Hall. #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC #RichaRanjeet #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2017)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 Participants are attending UNDRN Workshop 2017 in UN conference Hall. Mr. Deependra Bajracharya, Microsoft, #DeependraBajracharya #participants #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2017)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 Participants are attending UNDRN Workshop 2017 in UN conference Hall. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, Mr. Vidhu Prakash Kayastha, FAO, #RamBabuShah #VidhuPrakash #participants #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2017)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 Participants attending UNDRN Workshop 2017 in UN conference Hall. Mr. Shailendra Rajbhandari, Mr. Narendra Bista, UN Intern, #ShailendraRajbhandar #NarendraBista UNIntern #participants #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
UNDRN Workshop 2017 UN Staff are attending UNDRN Workshop 2017 in UN conference Hall. #UNStaff #Workshop #UNDRN #Photo #2017 #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2017)
Report of the FAO Workshop on Implementing the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing on the Atlantic coast of Africa, Praia, Cabo Verde, 20 to 24 July 2015 The workshop was attended by 44 representatives from 16 African coastal countries of the Atlantic Ocean. The workshop focused on the implementation of the Agreement from policy, legal, institutional, capacity development, and operations standpoints. ...
FAO, (2016)