United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
WORKERS about 10 results (0.0058 in miliseconds)  
Irrigation Project in Nepal with FAO Assistance in 1962 With assistance from the Food and Agriculture Oraganization (FAO), the Nepalese Government has started several irrigation projects. This is the dam being constructed near the village of Gokarna. Nepalese workers fill the pillars with railing for the...
UN/UNIC, (1962)
Nepal's Irrigation Schemes 1962 Nepal is well-watered not only by the many rivers that flow from the slopes of the snow-capped Himalayas but by the rains brought by the monsoon winds. The Government of Nepal has enlisted the aid of United Nations technical assistance experts to inv...
UN/UNIC, (1962)
Returning Home: challenges and opportunities for women migrant workers in the Nepali labour market This report on returnee women migrant workers (RWMWs) draws from insights shared by 1,210 women to understand the influences, conditions, and challenges that characterize women’s migration from and reintegration to Nepal. As gender roles are still...
UN WOMEN, (2019)
Migration of Health Workers from Nepal There are many factors, both push factors and pull factors that are responsible for the migration of the health workers mostly from the development countries. Nepal experiences inequitable distribution and migration of health workers leading to criti...
ILO, European Union, (2017)
The Future of Women Migrant Workers, Gender Equality Update 27 The 27th Gender Equality Update highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic and its restrictions on movement have severely impacted the situation of migrant workers, exposing and compounding the economic, social, and structural inequalities they face....
UNWOMEN, (2021)
Decent Work- The quarterly newsletter from the ILO Country Office for Nepal President of Nepal addresses ILO’s International Labour Conference’s World of Work Summit. Skilling migrants: A triple win for government, migrant workers, and employers. ILO launches a new initiative to promote inclusive growth in the agricultural...
ILO, (2017)
Making Fair Recruitment a Reality [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsLoqK1TB74&t=1s [Abstract]- This video chronicles the ILO’s effort to establish a corridor to recruit fairly workers from Nepal to Jordan to work in the ready-made garment sector. It highlights the powe...
ILO, (2017)
Filling Work, Bhojpur Observation of Filling Work Bhojpur. #FillingWork #Workers #Bhojpur #OldPhoto ...
Nepal Develops its Timber Resources Timber is one of the Nepal's richest resources. Almost 75 percent of the country is forest, yielding wood of the major construction purpose, pulp, matches and fuel. Wood is one of the major exports to India. The Government of Nepal started its refore...
UN/UNIC, (1963)
Pondage Basin Pondage Basin, Okhaldhunga. #Workers #Pondage #Basin #Okhaldhunga #Photo ...