Urban Basic Services Branch: Water for Asian Cities Programme
UN-Habitat launched the Water for Asian Cities (WAC) Programme in partnership with the Governments of Asia and the Asian Development Bank in 2003 at the Third World Water Forum and since then it has implemented numerous projects in the South Asia reg... UNHABITAT, (2015)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 8 (as of 13 September 2017)
The UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated US$4.8 million to flood response efforts in Nepal. To-date, over 1 million flood affected people have benefited from humanitarian assistance from 9 Clusters. Preparations for next week’s election... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 9 (as of 20 September 2017)
Elections in Province 2 have contributed to a major slow down in relief activities. Combined humanitarian Clusters face a shortfall of US$32 million for flood response activities. This is the last Sit Rep that the UN Resident
Coordinator’s Office(UN... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 (as of 14 August 2017)
The National Emergency Operations Centre has reported that 66 people are known to have died, 35 people remain missing and 35 have been injured.The full extent of the disaster is not yet known. Many affected areas remain inaccessible dueto damaged roa... UNRC, (2017)
Nepal Community Feedback Report
Issue: Water
In light of growing body of qualitative feedback being collected on water concern, the common feedback project decided to dedicate some question on its regular community perception survey excitability to water, in an attempt to quantity the scope of ... UN, (2016)
Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Programme for Urban Poor
The current global trend of urbanisation is putting pressure on our eco-system and is linked to poverty. Nepal is struggling with the most rapid urbanisation trend in the South Asian Sub-continent with approximately 15% of its total population living... UNHABITAT, (2007)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific
Many economies in the ESCAP region continue to perform impressively, and the region as a whole is now a major contributor to global growth. In 2005, growth in gross domestic product slowed only slightly, and inflation remained mild by historical stan... UNESCAP, (2006)
Water Conservation and Management: Evaluation Synthesis
With water being increasingly considered both a constraint to development and an opportunity for investments that can reduce poverty, the Executive Board, when approving the 2013 evaluation work programme at its December 2012 session, requested the I... IFAD, (2014)
Quality of ground water is becoming an emerging issue in the water supply and health sectors. The ground water in the past was considered safe for drinking purpose but now it
came to be known that many shallow tube wells contain arsenic at concentra... UNESCO, (2008)
Annual Report 2009: Water and Sanitation Trust Fund
The poor performance of most water utilities in the developing world has long been a stumbling block in achieving water and sanitation for all. Heavy water losses, poor customer service, intermittent supplies, lack of metering, untrained staff and a ... UNHABITAT, (2010)
Nepal: Flood 2017
Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1
Beginning on 11 August 2017, Nepal experienced its worst rains in 15 years, resulting in large-scale impacts on lives,livelihoods and infrastructure across 27 of Nepal’s 75 districts.The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) authorities estimate that hundr... UNRCHO (UNRCO), (2017)
Water for Asian Cities Programmer Nepal (Annual Report 2006)
The WAC Programme is supporting the implementation of the water and sanitation related Millennium Development Goals and targets (MDGs) in Asian cities, specifically promoting pro-poor governance, water demand management, increased attention to enviro... GoN, UNHABITAT, ADB, (2006)
Water Movement in Patan: With Reference to Traditional Stone Spouts in Nepal (2008)
Lalitpur Sub-metropolitan City is the second largest city in Kathmandu Valley encompassing 15.43 square kilometre area. The main town popularly known as Yala in Newari and Patan in Nepali; is the main township on the North of the municipal area that ... UNHABITAT, (2008)
Rainwater Harvesting: Re-Popularising an Indigenous Technology to Avert a Water Crisis (April 2008)
In response to the water crisis and to realize KV’s potential to harvest rainwater, UN-HABITAT, in coordination with the NGOFUWS and in partnership with the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW) and WaterAid Nepal (WAN), launched the innovat... UNHABITAT, GoN, (2008)
Sani News: Vol. 2 Issue 2 (April-June 2013)
Chris Williams, Executive Director (ED) of
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative
Council (WSSCC) and Mark Willis, Global
Sanitation Fund (GSF) Program Manager
(PM) visited Sindhupalchowk on May 15
2013 to observe the sanitation movement
and... UNHABITAT, (2013)
Solid Waste Management in the World's Cities: Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities 2010
A good solid waste management system is like good health: if you are lucky to have it, you don’t notice it; it is just how things are, and you take it for granted. On the other hand, if things go wrong, it is a big and urgent problem and every- thing... UNHABITAT, (2010)
Supplemental Information to Nepal Earthquake SitRep 19
1.23 May 2015: Who, What Where at Village Development committee (VDC) level. Click here for the interactive Who, What, Where mapping tool This map shows Who, What, Where information, complied by each cluster, detailing the agencies operating in ... UNOCHA, (2015)
The Ripple Effect: Impacting Communities Through Public Private Partnerships for Water and Sanitation
Promoting augmentation of the source through pilot demonstration of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) Systems and linking it with the Human Values based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education (HVWSHE) in the selected schools of Bhopal, Indore, Gwal... UNHABITAT, (2010)
Turning Tradition to New Ends : Improving Water Mills in Nepal
This case study documents the experience of the Improved Water Mill programme
#Improving Water Mills in Nepal, which promotes a simple and versatile technology that uses available water resources to produce 3-4 kW of mechanical and electrical power... UNDP, (2011)
Addressing Arsenic Problem in Nepal
Access to safe drinking water is one of the key targets of the United Nations’ millennium development goals and is a crucial foundation for sustainable poverty reduction. However, the natural occurrence of arsenic in groundwater has proven to be a se... UNHABITAT, (2007)
A Value for Money Case Study: UNICEF ONE WASH Programme,Nepal
The UNICEF ONE WASH programme in Nepal volunteered to be the first IPME VFM assessment and case-study, and co-authors this study with the VFM specialist for internal learning and WASH Programme management purposes. The data used in this VFM study has... UNICEF, (2015)
Information Sheet: Water Quality
Water being a universal solvent dissolves various substances that it comes into its contact. This includes minerals, chemicals, soil and microorganisms. Hence, it is very rare to find pure natural water with nothing mixed in it. The water we drink al... USAID, UHHABITAT, UNICEF, GoN, (2008)
Amoeba and Water
The quality of drinking water affects the health of a family. This book is developed for children to raise their awareness of water and its relation to health, so that they will take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their family from w... UNHABITAT, USAID, UNICEF, ENPHO, (2009)
Water Movement in Patan - with Reference to Traditional Stone Spouts in Nepal (2007)
Over the last decades the global water movement towards efficient and judicial use of water and its equitable distribution has gained momentum. It is not only limited to tapping new sources, but reviving traditional sources that were left with neglec... UNHABITAT, (2007)
UNDAF District Profiles: Water, Hygiene and Sanitation
This District profile showing the data about access to safe drinking water, hygiene and sanitation in different district on Nepal.
#WaterResources #Development #NaturalResources #Inclusion #Employment #Agriculture #Education #FoodSecurity #Hygiene... UNRCHCO, (2013)
Methodologies for Mapping the Poor, Gender Assessment & Initial Environmental Examination
The Water for Asian Cities (WAC) Programme, is a collaborative initiative between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Governments of Asia. The WAC Programme was officially launched at the ... CIUD, UN HABITAT, (2005)
Nepal Wash Cluster Decommissioning and Phase out Plan: Koshi Flood
As IDPs are returning to their original villages, and camps are being vacated, WASH facilities will either need to be decommissioned (when camp is being down-sized or vacated completely), and in some cases there is a need for upgrading. It is expecte... UNICEF, (2009)
Final Report: Development of Water Management in the Caza of Marjayoun
FAO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Water and Energy has been implementing a number of projects in Lebanon to cope with water scarcity to improve food security and the eradication of poverty. These projects come... FAO, (2016)
Ecosystem Based Adaptation in
Mountain Ecosystems in Nepal
Project Completion Report
The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) - through its International Climate Initiative - and jointly implemented by the International Union for the Conservation of Natur... UNDP, (2016)
Emergency and Humanitarian Action, WHO Nepal Nepal Earthquake Health Update : Report No. 9
Situation Update:
1. According to the latest figures from the Nepalese Government, 7365 people have been killed and 14 355 have been injured (National Emergency Operation Center: 15:00 local time).
2. Bhaktapur, Dhading, Dolakha, Gorkha, Kathmandu,... WHO, (2015)
INTER AGENCY COMMON FEEDBACK PROJECT - Issue : Reconstruction (April 2017)
In March 2017 the Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP) collected feedback from 2100 respondents, randomly selected from across the 14 priority earthquake affected districts on reconstruction issues. This quantitative research is further supplem... CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
Rural Water Supply Nepal
Technical Training Manual No. 5
The objective of a water supply system is to collect, on a cant inuring basis, a sufficient quantity of pure water lo satisfy the daily physical needs of all the human consumers in a district and their animals and deliver it to them in the most conve... UNICEF, (1978)