United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
WALLOFHOPE about 25 results (0.0153 in miliseconds)  
End of Violence Against Women Director of Human Rights Film Focus Nepal Bev Hoffman addressing End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Kanyamandir school on 27th November 2017 #UN #BevHoffman #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #M...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Director of Human Rights Film Focus Nepal Bev Hoffman handing over a T-shirt to the Student of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #BevHoffman #Campaign #WallOfHope...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Director of Human Rights Film Focus Nepal Bev Hoffman, National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah including Wall of Hope Campaign Staffs taking a photo during End of Violence Against Women campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #BevHoffman #RamBabuSha...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Director of Human Rights Film Focus Nepal BevHoffman handing over a book to the students of Kanyamandir School during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #DirectorofHumanRightsFilmFocusNepal #BevHoffman #Students ...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Director of Human Rights Film Four Nepal Bev Hoffman addressing End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program in Nagarjuna Kid's World School on 27th November 2017 #UN #BevHoffman #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #DirectorofHumanRightsFlim...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Kanyamandir School on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing the End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Geetamata Madhyamik Bidhyalaya on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #GeetaMataMadhyamikBidhyalaya #2017 #EndofVi...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Staff of Wall of Hope Campaign addressing End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Kanyamandir School on 27th November 2017 #UN #Staff #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Student of Nagarjuna Kid's World coloring their hands to paint Hope of Wall in Nagarjuna Kid's World School, Lalitpur during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27 November 2017 #UN #Student #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Student Participating in End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program in Nagarjuna Kid's World on 27th November 2017 #UN #Student #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students clicking a photo after Painting the Hope of Wall in Kanya Mandir School during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students Coloring Hands to paint the Wall of Hope in Kanya Mandir School during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Messag...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Geetamata Madhyamik Bidhyalaya Showing their Colored Hands after painting the Hope of Wall during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #GeetaMataMadhy...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School attending the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #PashupatiMitraMadhyamikSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UN...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School attending the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #PashupatiMitraMadhyamikSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UN...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School clicking a photo after Completing Painting the Wall of Hope during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School Coloring their hands to Paint the Wall of Hope during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #PashupatiMitraMadhyamikSchool #2017 #EndofViol...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School holding a banner of Stop Violence Against Women and Girls during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #RamBabuShah #BevHoffman #Campaign #WallOfHope #Pa...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students painting "Wall of Hope" during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #PashupatiMitraMadhyamikSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students Posing for the Photo after Completing Making the Wall of Hope in Geetamata Madhyamik Bidhyalaya during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #GeetaMataMadhyamikBidhyal...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students Showing their colored hands after painting the Hope of Wall in Nagarjuna Kid's World School, Lalitpur during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Teachers #BevHoffman #RamBabuShah #Campai...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UN Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing the End Violence Against Women Campaign in Kid's World School on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UN Information Officer Ram Babu Shah along with the Staff of Wall of Hope campaign addressing the End Violence Against Women by wearing its t-Shirt in Nagarjuna Kid's World School on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #Nagar...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UN Information Officer, Ram Babu Shah giving a speech to the students in Nagarjuna Kid's World School during End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #DirectorofHumanRight...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Video Screening to the Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 27 #UN #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #PashupatiMitraMadhyamikSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #M...
UNIC, (2017)