SRHR Activist - UNFPA
Aasha Pandit a Peer facilatator during session at Paroha MP (Basantpatti) Rautahat.
#ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #FCHVs... UNFPA, (2019)
SRHR Activist- UNFPA
Ashna Pandit a Peer Educator during session at Paroha MP(Basantpatti) at Rautahat
#ICPD #ICPD25 #ReproductiveRights, #FamilyPlanning #UnfinishedBusiness #UnmetNeedForFamilyPlanning #ReproductiveHealthServices #FemaleCommunityHealthVolunteer #FCHVs ... UNFPA, ()
Celebrating UN DAY 2010
Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal being worn Red Ribbon(AIDS SYMBOL) by UNAIDS staff as a way to raise awareness about AIDS and HIV in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010
#HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #UNAIDSStaff #UNDay ... UNIC, (2010)