United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
VMLR about 6 results (0.0076 in miliseconds)  
Psycho social Support for Sustainable Peace UNIRP found that more than 30% of VMLRs and their families required some degree of professional psychosocial counseling or support. This support has taken place since the early transition period. Each individual case is handled by counselors with who...
UNDP, (2014)
Health Related Training and Education UNIRP has developed an employment referral mechanism in close collaboration with local businesses to identify and link VMLRs to potential job opportunists. By July 2012, more than 200 business firms have shown their commitment to employ VMLRs. #VM...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2012)
Rehabilitation Update - UNIRP This update describes how discharged ex-combatants, 30% of whom are women, are supported in their return to civilian life by the United Nations Inter agency Rehabilitation Program (UNIRP). These ex-combatants, known as Verified Minors and Late Recrui...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2012)
Rehabilitation Update - UNIRP This update describes how the present work of United Nations Inter-agency Rehabilitation Program (UNIRP) in helping ex-combatants specifically ‘Verified Minors and Late Recruits’ (VMLR), make a smooth transition from military to civilian life. In ac...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2013)
Rehabilitation Update - UNIRP This update provides an overview of how the United Nations Inter-agency Rehabilitation Program (UNIRP) has been supporting the Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs) of the Maoist ex-combatants in their return to civilian life with sustainable li...
Socioeconomic Rehabilitaon of Verified Minors and Late Recruits The past two years have seen remarkable changes in the lives of Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs), following their discharge from the Maoist cantonments in 2010. Many of the VMLRS have started to make a positive impact on the community throug...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2010)