United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
VIOLATIONS about 4 results (0.0142 in miliseconds)  
Remarks by Richard Bennett Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal Delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali) 30 November 2009, Pokhara This bulletin includes remarks by Richard Bennett that was delivered at the launch of OHCHR’s Handbook for Civil Society (in Nepali).The handbook is a global publication published by OHCHR Geneva, and the English version was released in Kathmandu in...
UNOHCHR, (2009)
OHCHR Press Release High Commissioner for Human Rights Set to Monitor Situation in Nepal To set up a monitoring operation in Nepal in a move to help establish accountability for human rights abuses and prevent further violations. Human rights monitoring under United Nations auspices would be an important step in establishing accountabili...
UNOHCHR, (2005)
Conflict - Related Disappearances in Bardiya District (December 2008). This report sets out the findings of OHCHR’s investigations into enforced disappearances and related serious human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL) violations in Bardiya District in the context of the conflict between the State and the...
OHCHR, (2008)
Findings and recommendations - Investigations into violations of International Humanitarian Law in the Context of Attacks and Clashes Between the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and Government Security Forces Following a decision by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M) to discontinue their unilateral ceasefire on 2 January 2006, there have been dozens of reports of alleged violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) by both parties to the...
OHCHR, (2006)