United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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Essential Reproductive Health Care to be Delivered to Conflict-Affected Populations It is recognized that reproductive health plays a critical role in the comprehensive development process. It will, however, take a long time to address these concerns nation-wide. “The project will address immediate reproductive health needs of women...
UNFPA, (2007)
Information On the Malaria Control Programme in Nepal An insect-borne Diseases control bureau was created under the joint fund in public health in the Nepal-American co-operative programme. The bureau is tentatively staffed by a malariologist and office staff.It operates a laboratory and training school...
WHO, (1995)
UNITED NATIONS OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Press Release – 19 December 2008 OHCHR’s report on conflict-related disappearances in Bardiya, a further step in strengthening the peace process The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a report Friday on its investigations into a series of disappearances* that occurred in Nepal’s Bardiya District during the conflict between government and Maoist forces. The ...
UNOHCHR, (2008)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय, नेपाल प्रेस विज्ञप्ति - २०६५ पुस ४ बर्दिया जिल्लामा भएका द्वन्दसंग सम्बन्धित बेपत्ता पार्ने कार्यसम्बन्धी उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालयको प्रतिवेदन - शान्ति प्रक्रियालाई सबल बनाउनमा थप कदम संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय (उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय )ले सरकार तथा माओबादी फौजबीच भएको द्वन्दको क्रममा नेपालको बर्दिया जिल्लामा शृंखलाबद्ध रुपमा भएको बेपत्ता पर्ने कार्य बारे आफ्ना अनुसन्धानसम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन बिहीबार सार्वजनिक...
UNOHCHR, (2008)
OPEN MIC NEPAL अंक ३३ फाल्गुन १७, २०७२ ओपन माईक नेपाल बुलेटिनको तेतिसौ अंकमा स्वागत छ।'ओपन माईक' भूकम्प प्रभावित जिल्लामा चलेका हल्लाहरु तथा अन्योलपूर्ण सवाललाई एक ठाउँमा ल्याई त्यसभित्रको यथार्थ पत्ता लगाएर मानवीय सहयोगका काम गरिरहेका संघसंस्थाहरु, संचार माद्यम र स्थानीय समुदायलाई सहि सू...
UN, (2016)
Organization Quarterly Progress Updates Gorkha October 2016- December 2016 District Development Committee Gorkha Prepared by UNDP Gorkha Recovery and Reconstruction Coordination Forum After the April 25,015 earthquake, ECO-Nepal has been implementing humanitarian actions and interventions in various VDCs of Gorkha in assistance/partnership of Dan Church Aid (DCA). Nepal Earthquake Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (3R) proje...
GoN, UNDP, (2016)
Organization Quarterly Progress Updates Gorkha October 2016- December 2016 District Development Committee Gorkha Prepared by UNDP Gorkha Recovery and Reconstruction Coordination Forum After the April 25,015 earthquake, ECO-Nepal has been implementing humanitarian actions and interventions in various VDCs of Gorkha in assistance/partnership of Dan Church Aid (DCA). Nepal Earthquake Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience (3R) proje...
GoN, UNDP, (2016)