United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
UNNEPAL about 60 results (0.0216 in miliseconds)  
Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu, Bagmati Province A plane arrives at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, with Nepal's first consignment of COVID-19 vaccine doses via COVAX. #COVID19...
WHO Nepal/ A. Maharjan, (2021)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 77 (July-Oct 2019) UN Newsletter Vol 77 from issue July to October 2019 shows overall works,mobilization and interaction with government and different organization,locals,communities and agencies with allegiance for different projects and responses. #UNFPA #UN #UNNep...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Students of Guyeshwori School posing in front of school after the interactive session about Gender Based Violence by UNIC team. #UNWomen #UNNepal #UN #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalCampaign #...
UNIC, (2019)
16 Days of Activism 2019 Supriya Sthapit the intern of UNIC showing the ratio data of women aged 14-49 in Nepal has been has been part of various violence. #UNWomen #UN #SDG5 #UNNepal #16DaysofActivisim #OrangetheWorld #GenerationEquality #AwarenessCampaign #InternationalC...
UNIC, (2019)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper introducing exhibition booth of UN agencies to the Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #UNAgencies #PrimeMinister #MadavKumarNe...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 UN agency staffs demonstrating about IOM by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UN #UNNepal #IOMStaffs #Event #Program #ExhibitionBooth #UNDay #UNHouse #2010 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 UN agency staffs demonstrating about UNICEF by installing an exhibition booth in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #UN #UNNepal #UNICEFStaffs #Event #Program #ExhibitionBooth #UNDay #UNHouse #2010 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2010)
Harmful Practices in Nepal: Report on Community Perception Harmful practices can be defined as persistent behaviours that discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, age, caste/ethnicity, language, religion, amongst others. They leave women and people from excluded groups at risk of violence, poorer physical a...
UN, (2020)
Human Development Report-2019 The demonstrations sweeping across the world today signal that, despite unprecedented progress against poverty, hunger and disease, many societies are not working as they should. The connecting thread, is inequality. #UN #UNNepal #UNWork #Developmen...
UNDP, (2019)
Literature Review On Harmful Practices In Nepal Every year, people across Nepal are subjected to violence, poor health outcomes, and death as a result of harmful practices. These practices stem from deeply embedded patriarchal norms and unequal power relations and are a significant barrier to the ...
UNDAF Annual Report 2017. The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) is the primary strategic planning and oversight tool for the UN Country Team (UNCT) in Nepal. This annual report shows the collective achievements of the UN Country Team, together with the G...
UNDAF, (2019)
Changunarayan Municipality Kung Fu Nuns demonstrate karate skills at an IOM-organized community awareness event on disaster risk reduction and preparedness at Changunarayan municipality. #UN #UNNepal #UNWorks #IOM #Karateskills #Dissasterriskreduction #Changunarayan #SDG #K...
IOM, (2019)
Communication skill and stress management at work A participant at a ‘Communication skill and stress management at work’ training organized for those who need to communicate directly to the target communities in implementation of a project that aims to support economic reintegration of returnee migr...
IOM, (2018)
Community Awareness Event Youth of Dhading district participates in a community awareness event on protection and use of open spaces in the event of a disaster, organized in September 2019 in collaboration with local authorities. During 2019, awareness raising events were org...
IOM, (2019)
Developing Policy Towards Agricultural Sector IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen...
IOM, (2016)
Developing Policy towards Agricultural Sector IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen...
IOM, (2016)
Developing Policy Towards Agricultural Sector IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen...
IOM, (2016)
Development Towards The Agricultural Sector IOM promotes policy dialogues to support the Govt. of Nepal in mainstreaming both economic and social benefits of migration into national development policy and hence contribute on its efforts towards achieving the development targets set by the Agen...
IOM, (2016)
IOM Contributions A woman from Terai Flood 2017-affected area receives non-food items from IOM. #UN #UNNepal #TeraiFlood #Compensation #IOM #SDG #UNWorks #Nonfooditems #Flood2017...
iom, (2017)
Migration Health Center An IOM medical practitioner shares a light moment with a migrant child vising IOM migration health center. IOM Nepal provides support to the Government of Nepal and Nepali migrants both in terms of access to high-quality health services and promote e...
IOM, (2018)
Nepal Earthquake-2015 A women of Dolakha - one Nepal Earthquake 2015-hit districts – returning home after the day’s work under IOM’s Cash-for-Work programme with support from DFID. #UN #UNNepal #UnWorks #Earthquake2015 #IOM #SDG #DolakhaDistrict #DFID...
IOM, (2014)
Nepal Earthquake-2015 A women of Dolakha - one Nepal Earthquake 2015-hit districts – returning home after the day’s work under IOM’s Cash-for-Work programme with support from DFID. #UN #UNNepal #UnWorks #Earthquake2015 #IOM #SDG #DolakhaDistrict #DFID...
IOM, (2014)
Safer Migration Prgramme People in Janakpur attending a programme on safer migration. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #UNWorks #Janakpur #Safermigration #Programme...
IOM, (2017)
School inside Camp in Eastern region Bhutanese refugee children attending school inside camp in Eastern region. IOM facilitated resettlement process of over 113,000 Bhutanese refugees by the end of December 2019. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #Butaneserefugee #Easternregion #IOM #SDG #Resettlemen...
IOM, (2014)
Women at Work An elderly woman is seen working at a brick factory in Lalitpur district. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #WomenWork #SDG #LalitpurDistrict #UNinNepal...
IOM, (2013)
Celebrating UN 60th Anniversary - 2015 Honorable Chief of the Army Staff Rajendra Chhetri being welcomed by UN Heads in UN 60th Anniversary in UN House on 3th November 2015. #Chief #RajendraChhetri #Greeting #Welcomed #UNStaffs #UNHeads #UN #UNNepal #UNHouse #Anniversary #2015 #Novemb...
UNIC, (2015)
Celebrating UN Day 2012 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper (left) giving a Recognition Award to Mr. Rajendra Shakya of UNICEF during UN DAY in UN House on 2nd November 2012. #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #UN #UNICEF #Recognition #UNDay #UNHouse #UNNepal #2012 #No...
UNIC, (2012)
Celebration of UN Day 2012 Resident Coordinator Robert Pipe giving a Recognition Award to Mr.Namaste Lal Shrestha (UNICEF) for dedicated Service in UN Nepal during UN DAY in UN House. #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #UN #UNICEF #Recognition #UNDay #UNHouse #UNNepal #2...
UNIC, (2012)
Celebration of UN Day 2012 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper giving a recognition award to Mr. Deepak Kumar Thapa (UNDP) during UN DAY in UN house on 2nd november 2012. #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #UN #UNDP #Recognition #UNDay #UNHouse #UNNepal #2012 #November #UN...
UNIC, (2017)
Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 held at Radisson Hotel Hon'ble Paramananda Jha, Vice Present of Nepal along with Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Asso. Prof. Dambar Bir Thapa, Radhesh Pant, Co-President at the Seminar on the "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role o...
UNIC, (2011)
Peacekeeper Memorial Celebration- UN Day 2017 Deputy Country Director Sophie Kemkhadze greeting the Honorable Rajendra chhetri, a Nepali Military Officer and Chief of Army Staff of the Nepalese Army during International Peacekeeping Day in UN House on 20 September 2017. #DeputyCountryDirector...
UNIC, (2017)
PeaceKeeper Memorial Celebration- UN Day 2017 Diplomatic Corps attending an International Peacekeeping Day 2017 in UN House on 20 September 2017. #DiplomaticCorps #Observing #InternationalPeacekeepingDay #2017 #UNDay #UNHouse #Celebration #peacekeeper #Memorial #UNNepal #UN #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
Shoko Noda Addressing on the Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. #ParamanandaJha #VicePresident #ShokoNoda #UND...
UNIC, (2011)
Economic Sustainability Programme A returnee migrant worker at skill development training under IOM’s women empowerment through economic sustainability programme with support from Zonta International. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #MigrantWorker #SkillDevelopment #Training #WomenEmpowerment #SD...
IOM, (2017)
Festival of Bibah Panchami Nepali migrants working in different parts of India return home to celebrate the festival of Bibah Panchami. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #NepaliMigrants #SDG #Festivals #Celebrations #BibahPanchami #WokinginIndia #ReturningHome...
IOM, (2011)
Labour Migrant Returning from Qatar Mr. Nil Kumar Magar from Okhaldhunga district, is a labour migrant returning from Qatar. On average, every day, approximately 800 Nepalis leave the country through formal channels to work abroad. Returning migrants not only bring remittances but also...
IOM, (2019)
Nepali Youth Studying Abroad A Nepali youth before taking his flight to Australia for study. According to an IOM research conducted in 2016 around 84,000 Nepali students were studying abroad at the time of research. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #SDG #NepaliYouth #StudyingAbroad #NepaliSt...
IOM, (2019)
School Level Debate Competition A school girl speaks at a school-level debate competition on “Women in Foreign Employment: An opportunity or a challenge" organized to raise awareness on safe migration and human trafficking among youths at Dhading district. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #Schoo...
IOM, (2017)
Woman Returnee Migrant A woman returnee migrant seen at Tribhuwan International Airport. #UN #UNNepal #IOm #SDG #WomanReturnee #WomanMigrant #TIA ...
IOM, (2012)
Celebrating UN Day 2008 UN visitors visiting UN agencies exhibition booth in UN House during UN Day on 24 October 2008. #UN #UNNepal #UNAgencies #Exhibition #UNDay #UNHouse #Photo #Booth #UNIC ...
UNIC, (2008)
Celebrating UN Day 2008 Honorable Health Ministry Upendra Yadav meeting and greeting UN Nepal agencies's Head during UN Day in UN House on 24 October 2008. #Honorable #HealthMinistry #UpendraYadav #Residentcoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #Meeting #Photo #Greeting #UN #UNNepa...
UNIC, (2008)
Financial Literacy Training - IOM Family members of households with migrant participate in a financial literacy training in Chitwan district organized by IOM. #IOM #IOMNepal #UN #UNNepal #IOM2014 #SDGs #FinancialLiteracyTraining #Chitwan #GlobalGoals ...
IOM, (2014)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq #lgbtiqNepal...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq #ayshanie_medagangoda_l...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq ...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq #TheWHOrepresentative #...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
Free and Equal- UN in Nepal for LGBTIQ Equality. No silence today or any day. Freedom of expression & equality for all! A day of pride, respect & celebration of sexual & gender diversity by raising the #IDOHOT flag at #UN House in #Kathmandu #freeandequal #unnepalforlgbtiq...
UNIC, (2019)
HARMFUL PRACTICES IN NEPAL: REPORT ON COMMUNITY PERCEPTIONS Harmful practices can be defined as persistent behaviours that discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, age, caste/ethnicity, language, religion, amongst others. They leave women and people from excluded groups at risk of violence, poorer physical a...
UNFPA, (2020)
LITERATURE REVIEW ON HARMFUL PRACTICES IN NEPAL Every year, people across Nepal are subjected to violence, poor health outcomes, and death as a result of harmful practices. These practices stem from deeply embedded patriarchal norms and unequal power relations and are a significant barrier to the ...
UNFPA, (2020)
प्रदेश नं. २ को जनसाङ्ख्यिक स्थिति ङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतान्त्रिक नेपालको सातवटा प्रदेशहरु मध्ये प्रदेश नं. २ सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, भौगोलिक, आर्थिक, जनसाङ्ख्यिक लगायतका दृष्टिकोणले विशिष्ट विशेषतायुक्त रहेको छ । यही तथ्यलाई प्रदेशको नीति तथा योजना आयोगले समग्र रुपान्तरणको मार्ग चित्र क...
UNFPA, (2020)