United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
UNDP about 257 results (0.0095 in miliseconds)  
A Seminar of United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011. #ShokoNoda #UNDP #Seminar #CountryDirector #...
UNIC, (2011)
UNDP Twin Otter Delivering Food Grains UNDP Twin otter delivering food grains at Dopla. #UNDP #Food #Dolpa #Photo...
Leading the Voice of Voiceless People:My Voice for Dignified Life- Mental Health and Human Rights As a reflection of the high priority placed on the promotion and protection of human rights of mentally disabled persons, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Nepal has included it in its Strategic Plan 2015-20. In this regard, the NHRC Str...
NHRC-UNDP, (2017)
In The Know - UNDP Nepal Newsletter - Issue 45 September 2010 "In the Know" is the 45th issue of September2010 by UNDP Nepal; a newsletter which consists of the following headlines: Gender-responsive policing in post conflict countries; Voter registration starts; Nepal launches its third Millennium Development ...
UNDP, (2010)
Project Information Sheet Catalytic Support on Land Issues A decade-long conflict in Nepal ended in November 2006 with the signing of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the Maoists and the Government of Nepal. Despite the political and democratic progress since the end of the conflict, Nepal conti...
दिगो बिकास लक्ष्यहाँरु वार्शिक पर्‍तिबेदन २०१७ सन २०१६ मा दिगो बिकास लक्ष्यको पर्‍तिबेदन पर्‍काशन गर्ने विश्व्कै पहिलो राष्ट्र नेपाल हो । वर्तमान बिकास सम्ब्न्धी बिस्तृत विवरन एबम दिगो विकास लक्ष्यको पारम्भिक आधार उक्त प्रतिबेदनमा उल्लेख छ । प्रतिबेदनले दिगो बिकास लक्ष्य कार्ययोजना र कार्यान्व्य...
UNDP, (2016)
Rebuilding Nepal: Three Years On Three years have passed since the earthquakes of April and May 2015 rattled Nepal to its very core. The country is well into the recovery and reconstruction phase today; while significant progress has been made in expediting private house reconstruct...
UNDP, (2018)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) The Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP) continues to build the capacity of vulnerable communities to adapt to the negative effects of climate change. Nepal Climate Change Support Programme (NCCSP), a leading project in the area of climate ...
UNDP, (2017)
Nepal Climate Change Support Programme The programme aims to mainstream climate change into Nepal's national development agenda, contribute to poverty reduction, livelihood diversification and community resilience. This will ensure that the most urgent and immediate adaption actions are i...
UNDP, (2016)
Nepal Agricultural Policy and Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security Nepal is one of the world’s least developed nations, with low per capital income(US$249), and generally low social-economic indicators. Infant mortality, at 64 per 1000 live Birth is the highest such figure in South Asia.Indicators of life expectanc...
UNDP/ FAO, (2003)
China recovery aid for flood-affected households in the Terai [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eVYxkMPsSs [Abstract]- UNDP, with funding support from the Government of the People’s Republic of China, has provided recovery support to over 31,800 families affected by the 2017 floods over the last...
UNDP, (2018)
Gender Responsive National Communications Toolkit This toolkit is an initiative of the UNDP Gender Team and the UNDP–UNEP Global Support Programme. It is designed to strengthen the capacity of national government staff and assist them in integrating gender equality into the development of National C...
UNDP, UNEP, GEF, (2015)
Electoral Support Project-Phase II (ESP-II) The project concentrated on providing technical advice and operational support for the CA elections in phase I 2008-2012, whereas phase II 2012-2018 is responding to the need for continued capacity building of the ECN to organize credible elections w...
UNDP, (2017)
Emergancy Response Preparedness : Siraha Every year, between June and September, flooding and landslide in the Terai and Hills respectively warrants increased preparedness by the Government and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). In 2014, heavy rainfall caused floods and landslides across ...
UNDP, (2016)
Emergency Response Preparedness: Siraha Every year, between June and September, flooding and landslide in the Terai and Hills respectively warrants increased preparedness by the Government and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). In 2014, heavy rainfall caused floods and landslides across ...
UNDP, (2016)
UNDP Annual Report 2006 2006 was a year of major transition for the UNDP Programme due to the changed political context. UNDP focused its efforts on reorienting its programme to meet current needs and strengthened its operational capacity to assist with post-conflict recove...
UNDP, (2006)
खुला सरकार र खुला संसद लोकतन्त्रलाई परिणाममुखी बनाउन शासन पद्धतिको सुधारमा सरकार र नागरिकबीच साझेदारी गर्ने नयाँ अवधारणा स्थापित भैरहेको छ । शासन सुधार प्रक्रियामा आम नागरिकलाई मागकर्ता वा दबाबकर्ताका रूपमा मात्र सीमित नराखी उनीहरूको सक्रिय र सुसूचित सहभागिता एवं सिर्जनशील...
Freedom Forum/ UNDP, (2019)
ढुङ्गा माटोको घरमा जस्ता तारको प्रविधि बुइँगल सहित एक तल्ला र दुई तल्ला भवनमा यो प्रविधि पुर्णरुपमा आधारभुत निर्माण सामाग्री जस्तै गारो निर्माणको लागि ढुङ्गा र माटो, छानोको संरचनाको लागि कर्कट जस्तापाता र मध्य तल्लाको लागि काठको चिरपटहरुमा माटोको प्रयोगमा आधारित छ । बुइँगल सहितको एक तल्ले र दई तल्ले भवनहरु नेपालको पहाडि क्षेत...
UNDP, (2019)
Report for UNDP Nepal of the Outcome Evaluation Mission On Gender This evaluation assesses Nepal’s efforts to develop gender responsive national and local level policies and plans over the period 1999 to 2003, and toassess UNDP’s contribution to this outcome, in tandem with other actors in the development sector an...
UNDP, (2004)
Power to the people Syaurebhumi Grid Connection [Youtube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydVUOC0Wt8&t=89s [Abstract] - The recent interconnection of the 23kW Syaurebhumi micro-hydro plant to the national grid has raised hopes for the sustainability of small scale hydropower projects in Ne...
UNDP, (2018)
Solar to the rescue Powering snakebite treatment centres [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtrcSq8GwHQ&t=97s [Abstract] - In Nepal, an average of 20,000 cases of snakebite are reported annually, out of which 100 deaths are owing to attacks from venomous species. However, since many snakebite...
UNDP, (2018)
UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh visits Nepal UNDP Goodwill Ambassador Michelle Yeoh visits Nepal Award-winning global movie star and Nepal earthquake survivor Michelle Yeoh travelled back to Kathmandu last week as a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Goodwill Ambassador. She visited t...
UNDP, (2016)
What is UNDP in Nepal? Celebrating our 50th Birthday! What is UNDP in Nepal? Celebrating our 50th Birthday! A Golden Anniversary: UNDPNepal joins the world to celebrate our 50th birthday On our 50th Birthday, we asked people in Nepal what is UNDP for them? And they answered. Here is what they said. V...
UNDP, (2016)
Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme (CDRMP) UNPD 2015 This document is published by UNDP on Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Programme (CDRMP), started in 2011, is being implemented by UNDP in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) as focal ministry and other ministries and the lin...
-UNDP, (2015)
UN Newsletter - Vol. 77 (July-Oct 2019) UN Newsletter Vol 77 from issue July to October 2019 shows overall works,mobilization and interaction with government and different organization,locals,communities and agencies with allegiance for different projects and responses. #UNFPA #UN #UNNep...
UNIC, (2019)
Ecosystem Based Adaption in Mountain Ecosystems in Nepal The Ecosystem based adaption in mountain ecosystem project is a global project aiming to strengthen the capacities of countries that are vulnerable to impacts of climate by helping them adapt and dulld resilient ecosystems and efficient use of its se...
UNDP, (2016)
पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणालिमा आधारित अनुकुलन जलवायु परिवर्तन ले मानिसको जिवन र प्राकृतिक प्रणालिमा विश्वोब्यापी प्रभाव पारेको छ र आगमी दिन हरुमा यो क्रम अझ च्रको हुँदै जाने भबिश्यवाणी गरिदै छ । जलवायु परिवर्तन सगै जोडिएर बारम्ब्बार आउने खडेरी र आधिबेरी तथा हुने अनियमित र उग्र बर्षाले प्राकृतिक...
UNDP, (2013)
Ecosystem based adaptation - A case from Panchase [YouTube] [Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y3049tDiU4 [Abstract] - In 2014 (2070) heavy rainfall during the monsoon season resulted in a massive landslide in Saunepani. The landslide caused massive destruction to the farm of local resident Bir...
UNDP, (2018)
Nepal MDGs acceleration Framework Improving Access to Sanitation A few years away from the deadline of 2015, the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF), as conceived and endorsed by the United Nations (UN), aims at accelerating and sustaining progress towards the MDGs’ achievement at the national level. The strategic ap...
UNDP, GON, (2012)
Address by Nepal's Finance Minister at the launch of HDR2019 Address by Nepal's Finance Minister Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada at the launch of HDR2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Duration of Video: 20m:45s #HDR #UNDP #2019 #HDR2019 #HumanDe...
UNDP, (2019)
Budgetary response to climate change Budgetary response to climate change Video Quality: 1080P HD Audio Quality: High Video Location Nepal During of Video: 3m:17s #UN #UNDP #FAO #UKAID #ClimateChange #SDGs #SDG13...
UNDP, (2019)
Climate proofing agriculture Climate proofing agriculture With changing rainfall patterns & new diseases, farmers in Nepal are the most affected by climate change. UNDP and FAO's joint efforts to build capacity among planner in climate proofing agriculture development. #UN #U...
UNDP, (2019)
Dhyan Bahadur water mill Dhyan Bahadur built his water mill after 2015 earthquake w/support from European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, UNDP & Human Rights Awareness & Dvt Center. The newly built water mill has enabled him to revive his livelihood Video Quality: ...
UNDP, (2019)
Disaster recovery for the disabled My house is built with wire frame technology, which is earthquake resistant. I feel safe there,” says Khil Bahadur of Sindhupalchowk. Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Sindhupalchowk Duration of Video: 2m #UNDP #UND...
UNDP, (2019)
Enhancing the capacity of the member of CLCs Enhancing the capacity of the member of CLCs This year, the UNDP’s Electoral Support Project (ESP) and UNESCO with support from the European Union organized a five-day workshop in Bhaktapur from 5-9 August 2019 where members of 22 Community Learning...
UNDP, (2019)
Human development is a process of enlarging human choices: Prof Selim Jahan Prof Selim Jahan, former Director of the Human Development Report, UNDP was in Kathmandu in August on the invitation of the Government of Nepal and UNDP Video Quality: 720p HD Audio Quality: High Video Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Duration of ...
UNDP, (2019)
Interview: Permanent Representative to the UN Amrit Bahadur Rai As one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, Nepal actively participated in the UN Climate Summit in September 2019. UNDP, a close partner that has been standing behind Nepal in its pursuit of sustainable development, has long been suppor...
UNDP, (2019)
Meeting the SDGs amidst climate change Meeting the SDGs amidst climate change in Nepal [Duration]: 3m:48s [Location]: Nepal [Video Quality]: 1080p HD [Audio Quality]: High [Time and Topic of Scene]: 00:00 – Introduction 00:40 – Gamala Luitel, a farmer from Kavre, Nepal talking abou...
UNDP, (2019)
Surprise Dhangadhi The "Surprise Dhangadhi” campaign, led by UNDP’s SCDP, is bringing together youth volunteers to confront the city's social problems. Why is the campaign called Surprise Dhangadi? Watch the video to find out! [Duration]: 8m:18s [Location]: Dhanga...
UNDP, (2019)
Nepali Business Community Commits to Contribute to Nepal's Sustainable Development The Business Coalition for the SDGs is a voluntary group of like minded enterprises, which understand the need to align their business operations with the SDGs and work with other actors in Nepal to achieve sustainable development. Businesses joining...
UNDP, (2017)
Nepal Climate Support Change Programme UNDP This given document is about the Nepal Climatic Change.Nepal climate support change program is the most leading program in the area of climate adaptation in implementing in various areas of far western and mid-western regions.The main aim of this pro...
-UNDP, (2015)
UNDP Support to Nepal's 2015 Constitution On 19 September, Nepal marked one year since the promulgation of its Constitution. In the years leading up to the landmark milestone, UNDP has been a steadfast partner to Nepal and has offered support to stakeholders and the public toward this achiev...
UNDP, (2016)
Sustainable Development Goals Baseline Report of Province No. Five The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was born out of the need to pursue a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth in an integrated manner. The normative basis...
UNDP, (2019)
Developing Capacities for Effective Aid Management and Coordination The project seeks to promote the more effective utilization of aid in Nepal by implementing management system, improving cross ministry collaboration in implementing a national action plan on aid effectiveness, and strengthening mechanism for coordin...
GON-UNDP, (2011)
Project to Prepare the Public Administration for State Reforms (PREPARE) The project is aimed to strengthen the existing system of the government in terms of service delivery mechanism, personnel and human resource management and also prepare the relevant government institutions for administrative reform in the context of...
UNDP, (2014)
A Training Manual for Agricultural Officers and Planners The increasing incidents of climate change-related natural disasters in Nepal has severely affected the agriculture sector. The need for understanding and capacity-building among government officials in reducing climate vulnerability has never been g...
UNDP, (2020)
Roadmap for Adaption Planning in Nepal’s Agriculture Secotrs Nepal’s agriculture sector, which contributes majorly to the country’s GDP, is extremely climate vulnerable. Therefore, with an aim to reduce the country’s susceptibility to climate change, the Government of Nepal is formulating its National Adaptati...
UNDP, (2020)
Success Stories of the Entrepreneurs This book is about motivating stories of 11 youth entrepreneurs from different parts of Nepal. The stories depicts the struggle and hardships of the entrepreneurs and how they prosper their businesses. The book is published by Ministy of Education, S...
UNDP, (2020)
Constitution of Nepal 2015 Remembering the glorious history of historical peoples’ movements and armed struggles time and again and the sacrifice made by people for national interest, democracy, progressive change, and recognizing the martyrs, the disappeared citizens and the...
UNDP, (2015)
Nepal Masculinities Gender- Based Voilence The study is a joint effort by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Men Engage Alliance in Nepal. It seeks to provide a broader evidence base from which actors can design well informed multi-sectoral GBV programming, including prev...
UNDP, (2014)
Painting Exhibition- Masculinities, Gender Identities and the Role of Men in Prevention and Elimination of Gender Based Violence The exhibition features 30 exclusive paintings drawn by senior artists on the theme of preventing gender violence during a live painting event on November 28, 2013 organized by UNDP and NAFA to mark the “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”.T...
UNDP, (2014)
Functional Analysis And Assignment Of Government The Ministry of General Administration (MoGA), Government of Nepal has executed a project titled Project to Prepare the Public Administration for State Reforms (PREPARE) since March 2013 in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (U...
UNDP, (2015)
नेपालको पर्वतिय पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणालिमा आधारित अनुकुलन कायक्रम इबिए कार्यक्रमले पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणालिमा आधारित अनुकुल नको माध्याम बाट नेपाल लगायत पेरु र युगण्डा जस्ता जलवायु परिवर्तन को जोखिममा सजिलै पर्न सकने देश्हरुको जस्तो जोखिम लाई सामना गर्नसक्ने छेमता विकास गर्ने लक्ष्य लियको छ । पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणाली लाई...
UNDP, (2014)
पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणालीजन्य सेवाहरु पारिस्थी तिकिय प्रणाली जन्य सेवा भन्नाले मानिस हरुले पारिस्थितिकिय प्रणालिबाट प्रत छ्य वा अप्रत छ्य रुपमा लिने फाइदाहरु हुन । यसमा खानेकुरा र पानी जस्ता नियामक सेवाहरु, बाढी र रोग नियन्त्रण जस्ता नियामक सेवाहरु, अध्यात्म र मनोरन्जन जस्ता सास्कृतिक ...
UNDP, (2013)
POSITIVE PROTECTION TRAINING MANUAL – PARTICIPANT’S HANDBOOK Tremendous effort has been made by Nepal’s government, civil society organizations and development partners to combat HIV through the National HIV/AIDS Strategy 2011–2016. This strategy guided the national response to HIV/AIDS by embracing principles...
UNDP, (2016)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie McGoldRick, UNDP Deputy Country Director Sophie Kemkhadze, and Resident Coordinator Office Stine Heiselberg interacting during UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick...
UNIC, (2014)
Celebrating UN DAY 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Mr. Prakash Raj Chalise for providing over 30 years of dedicated service in UNDP in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister #D...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Foreign Minister of Nepal and Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala handing over an award to Mr. Rajendra Kumar Lakhe for providing 20 years of dedicated service in UNDP in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ForeignMinister #Deput...
UNIC, (2010)
UNDP in Nepal Annual Report -2013 Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006, Nepal has undergone a complex transition that entailed rehabilitating former combatants, supporting a participatory constitution drafting process, holding credible elections and mitigati...
UNDP, (2013)
UNITED NATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR RURAL LIVELIHOODS (RERL) Nepal has predominantly rural population, with an overwhelming dependence on biomass for fuel. Almost 90% of the energy is used for household purpose.Despite huge hydropower potential, Nepal has one of the world's lowest per capita electricity consum...
UNDP, (2014)
NEPAL’s CITIZENS CLIMATE BUDGET Presents how the budget is being allocated to address climate change and its effects. It uses official information from the Ministry of Finance and other Government agencies in Nepal.Economic affairs includes general economic, commercial and labour a...
UNDP, (2017)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Meera Laata Shakya for receiving an award for 25 years of dedicated service in UN house during UN day on 23 October September #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Robertpiper #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaata...
unic, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Meera Laata Shakya for receiving an award for 25 Years of dedicated service in UN House during UN Day, 23 October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Robertpiper #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaataShakya #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper, UNDP Staff Meera Laata Shakya, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala posing for the camera in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaata #DeputyPri...
unic, (2009)
Annual Report 2005 - Supporting Progress Through Equality This is the first annual report produced by UNDP in Nepal. Following a review of our activities, carried out in close consultation with the Government of Nepal, we decided to further extend our support to communities caught up in the conflict. In Oct...
UNDP, (2005)
UNDP Nepal - Outcome Evaluation of UNDP Nepal Access to Justice and Human Rights (2001-2010) UNDP has made important contributions to rule of law, access to justice and human rights in Nepal during 2001-2010 via the outputs of its various Rule of Law, Access to Justice and Human Rights Projects as well as a number of other in-kind contributi...
UNDP, (2010)
शासकिय सुधारका लागी सारव्जनिक प्रशासन को तयारी आयोजना (PREPARE) नेपाललाई एक उर्जाशिल तथा समावेशी सङ्घिय राज्यमा रुपन्तरन गर्न लोक तान्त्री क पद्द्ती एवम जवाफदेही प्रशासनिक व्यव्स्थाको आवश्यकता पर्दछ । यस कार्यका निम्ती पारदर्शी एवम जिम्मेवार सार्व जनिक प्रशासनको ठुलो मह्त्तो रहन्छ । यस सन्दर्भ मा नेपाल सर्कार सँग...
UNDP, ()
ARMED VOILENCE REDUCTION AND STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY SECURITY (AVRSCS) However the value of acrime and voilence prevention program would provide the necessary technical support to the government of nepal to strengthen evidence base on crime and voilence to inform policy and prgramming; help bring global best practices t...
UNDP, (2015)
ECOSYSTEM BASED ADAPTION IN MOUNTAIN REGIONS IN NEPAL (EBA) The Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) in mountain ecosystems project is a global project aiming to strengthen the capacities of countries that are vulnerable to impacts of climate change by helping them adapt and build resilient ecosystems and efficie...
UNDP, (2015)
Nepal:Flash Appeal For Response to the Nepal Earthquake A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on 25 April at 11:56 local time creating large scale damage and many casualties. The epicenter was located 81 km northwest of the Nepali capital Kathmandu in Lamjung District at a depth of 15 km. The earthquake...
UNDP, (2015)
United Nations Development Programme The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nation’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It is on the ground in 177 co...
UNAIDS, UNDP, (2015)
Development Advocate- Nepal & Agenda 2030 on the road to the SDGS We live in an age of technological abundance. Acceleration in innovation has brought unprecedented changes in virtually all spheres of life; it has multiplied productivity, reduced costs and improved accessibility across numerous sectors and fields. ...
-UNDP, (2018)
SATRENGTHENING THE RULE OF LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION SYSTEM IN NEPAL PROGRAMME The rule of law and human rights programme aims to ensure that womwn and other vulnerable groups benifit from a protective legal framework and recent improvements in the field of justic. The programme will work in three primary areas to achieve its g...
UNDP, (2017)
Supporting Nepal in Building Back Better Two devastating earthquakes hit Nepal in April and May 2015. The death toll climbed to over 8,790 and more than 22,300 people were injured. Out of 75 districts, 31 are affected, 14 of which are heavily impacted. The earthquakes destroyed 498,852 hous...
UNDP, (2016)
RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR RURAL LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMME(REAL) Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood (RERL) is supporting AEPC to remove barriers for scaling up less disseminated larger renewable energy systems such as mini hydro, large micro hydro and large solar PV. RERL provides incremental support to AEPC by...
UNDP, (2017)
जलवायु वित्त:हाते पुस्तिका-संघीय संसदका तथा प्रदेशसभा र स्थानीय तहका लागि An important component of the national climate finance system is robust and effective parliamentary monitoring of how funds are allocated, how they are used to assist vulnerable communities in reducing climate risks, and how the effectiveness of the ...
LP-UNDP, (2017)
Human Development Report-2019 The demonstrations sweeping across the world today signal that, despite unprecedented progress against poverty, hunger and disease, many societies are not working as they should. The connecting thread, is inequality. #UN #UNNepal #UNWork #Developmen...
UNDP, (2019)
STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF THE NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMUNICATION Strengthing the capacity of the national human rights commission work on strengthining legal and policy framework has helped volnerable groups enjoy their human rights. UNDP OHCHR support NHRC developed the project strengthening the capacity of nat...
UNDP, (2014)
Nepal Agricultural Policy And Strategies For Poverty Alleviation And Food Security This study intends to identify the issues surrounding gender and nutritional aspects of poverty and food security by examining their underlying causes, including policy and institutional constraints,reviewing the research literature and available sta...
UNDP,FAO, (2001)
Climate Finance:Handbook-For the Federal Parliament, Provincial & Local Assemblies An important component of the national climate finance system is robust and effective parliamentary monitoring of how funds are allocated, how they are used to assist vulnerable communities in reducing climate risks, and how the effectiveness of the ...
LP-UNDP, (2017)
FIBRE BAG ENTREPRISE: Better Livelihoods, Better Environment - Sindhuli - Youtube Abstraction: Every Saturday, Januka Thapa and her friends go to local market in Sindhuli to sell the fiber bags they make as part of their micro enterprise. The bags, which quickly drew everybody's attention, has become an environment-friendly altern...
UNDP,Nepal, (2016)
Green Climate Fund-Handbook for Nepal To address the need for a greater understanding of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), its processes, requirements and criteria to access and manage resources effectively, the Ministry of Finance—the National Designated Authority (NDA) of Nepal for the GCF...
GON-UNDP-UNE, (2017)
Impact of Climate Change Finance in Agriculture on the Poor The impacts of climate change have manifested in multiple ways in the agriculture sector in Nepal, from crop losses due to severe floods, extended droughts, emergence of diseases and proliferation of pests. Public finance to support climate related p...
GON-UNDP, (2018)
Integrating climate finance in planning & budgeting: Nepal's experience - Youtube Abstraction: In view of its high vulnerability to climate change and weather-related disasters, how has Nepal been prioritizing response by integrating climate change finance into its national plans and budget? This video illustrates the country's jo...
UNDP,Nepal, (2018)
Public Expenditure Tracking Survey: COOPERATIVE FARMING, SMALL IRRIGATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF SEEDS & FERTILIZERS PROGRAMME The Ministry of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperatives, in collaboration with Freedom Forum and with technical support from UNDP, conducted a Public Expenditure Tracking Survey of the government-funded ‘Cooperative Farming, Small Irrigation an...
MoALMC-UNDP, (2018)
Synopsis of the District Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review The district level Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (d-CPEIR) was conducted--with the technical and financial assistance of UNDP and UKAid--in 2016-2017 in Udayapur, Dhading, Myagdi, Bardiya, and Achham districts to understand plan...
MoFALD- UNDP, (2018)
जलवायु परिवर्तनसम्बन्धी खर्च तथा संस्थागत संरचनाको पुनरावलोकन अध्ययनको सारांश The district level Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (d-CPEIR) was conducted--with the technical and financial assistance of UNDP and UKAid--in 2016-2017 in Udayapur, Dhading, Myagdi, Bardiya, and Achham districts to understand plan...
MoFALD-UNDP, (2018)
National Human Rights Commission’s Strategy Plan Support Project This document is all about the invitation of UNDP which invites the interested candidate to submit a Proposal to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above-referenced subject.This RFP includes the following documents such as The Letter of Invitati...
UNDP, (2016)
Request For Proposal (RFP) For To Conduct The Baseline (Perception) Survey On Public Relations and Citizens’ confidence towards National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Of Nepal This document is all about to conduct the baseline survey on public relation and citizens confidence towards National Human Rights Commission of Nepal.It includes Conditions and Procedures for electronic submission and opening.It also contains other ...
UNDP, (2017)
Election Code of Conduct (2015) Election Commission had constituted a high-level Election Code of Conduct Drafting Committee meeting under convenorship of Election Commissioner and a Sub-Committee led by the Commission’s Joint Secretary to initiate drafting of the model code of co...
ESP/UNDP, (2015)
Development Finance Assessment For Nepal Final Report This Development Finance Assessment (DFA) for Nepal was commissioned by the International Economic Cooperation Coordination Division (IECCD) of Ministry of Finance. The objective of the DFA is to shed light on the specific finance context of Nepal, l...
UNDP, (2017)
Annual Report 2017 2017 was a landmark year for Nepal as it conducted the first elections since the adoption of its new constitution and the first at local level in more than 17 years. The elections were a tremendous success, both in terms of quality and mobilization, ...
UNDP, (2018)
Athletes #RUN4SDGs at the 11th Kathmandu Marathon - Youtube Abstraction: The 11th Kathmandu Marathon brought together a diverse group of athletes to #Run4SDGs. The event was held in partnership with UNDP, among other UN agencies, in recognition of the role of sport in promoting many of the cornerstones of the...
UNDP, Nepal, (2017)
In Ramechhap, back to fishing again - Youtube Abstraction: Purna Bahadur Majhi of Khimti DC, Ramechhap returned his hometown after spending few difficult years as a migrant worker abroad. When he returned his village, he was determined to start something of his own. But his friends and relatives...
UNDP,Nepal, (2016)
PSA: 16 Days of Activism against GBV - Youtube Abstraction: This video was produced by the Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights Protection System in Nepal Programme (RoLHR)/UNDP and the National Women Commission and was broadcast on Nepal Television in commemoration of the 16 Days of Ac...
UNDP, Nepal, (2016)
Run for women's empowerment- Youtube Abstraction: 8th Kathmandu Marathon 20th Sept. 2014 Run for women's empowerment Kathmandu, Nepal. Duration: 0.00 - 3.00 min Location: Kathmandu Time and Topic Scene 0.24 sec: Sarmila Timilsina (Participant) says this is the first time I have e...
UNDP, Nepal, (2014)
What is UNDP in Nepal? Celebrating our 50th Birthday! - Youtube Abstraction: A Golden Anniversary: UNDP Nepal joins the world to celebrate our 50th birthday. On our 50th Birthday, we asked people in Nepal what is UNDP for them? And they answered. Here is what they said. Duration: 0.00 - 1.13 min Location: N/A...
UNDP, Nepal, (2016)
GEF SGP COUNTRY PROGRAMME STRATEGY FOR OPERATIONAL PHASE 6 (2015-2018) This Country Programme Strategy (CPS) is the primary document guiding the development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the GEF SGP Nepal activities during the Sixth Operational Phase (i.e. 2015 - 2018). The CPS, which builds on aroun...
UNDP, (2015)
PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FOR URBAN ENVIRONMENT (PPUE) Nepal’s 58 municipal authorities struggle to provide their rapidly growing populations with clean drinking water, waste disposal, sanitation and other services. In towns and cities around the world public-private partnership (PPPs) provide a sustain...
UNDP, (2011)
GOOD PRACTICES INTEGRATING THE SDGS INTO DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Nepal is particularly vulnerable to geopolitics and natural disasters. This became strikingly evident in 2015. As a landlocked country, Nepal relies on India as its main trade partner, but a four-month trade blockage created a humanitarian and econom...
UNDP, (2017)