United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
STATEMENT about 2 results (0.0153 in miliseconds)  
Statement by Mr. Robert Piper: UN Resident Coordinator In Nepal On behalf Of The UN Country Team On The Occasion Of Stand Up And Take Action Against Poverty (16th October) In the year 2000, another very distinguished group, the largest gathering of Heads of State, ever, reflected on the close of an old millennium and the opening of a new one at the Millennium Summit in New York. A key element in the Millennium Declarat...
UN, (2009)
Statement By Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator In Nepal This is the statement by Robert Piper,UN Resident and Human Co-ordinator in Nepal.In the opening of national seminar on translating commitments,accountability and partnership into action.At his statement he thanked all the program organizers of the s...
UN, (2011)