Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Nepal 2018
Mr. Purna Lal Shrestha and co worker of Tribhuvan University Central Library posing for the picture on the SDG photo frame during the launch of second version of UN Digital Library in Tribhuvan University Central Library on 25th of September 2018.
... UNIC, (2018)
End of Violence Against Women
Director of Human Rights Film Focus Nepal Bev Hoffman, National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah including Wall of Hope Campaign Staffs taking a photo during End of Violence Against Women campaign on 27th November 2017
#UN #BevHoffman #RamBabuSha... UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women
Staff of Wall of Hope Campaign addressing End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Kanyamandir School on 27th November 2017
#UN #Staff #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC... UNIC, (2017)
UN DAY 2014
UN Agency staffs exhibiting about UNESCO by distributing books, pamphlets at Jawakhel Ground in UN Day on the date of 20 October 2014.
#UN #UNESCO #Staffs #Demonstration #Exhibition #Books #Publication #Pamplets #UNDay #Jawalakhel #October #2014
... UNIC, (2014)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations.
Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal
Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN
Ms. Kareen Landgren,
#Bankimoon #Robertpipe... UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008
Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations.
Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal
Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN
Ms. Kareen Landgren,
#Bankimoon #Robertpipe... UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008
Staff of UN agencies are attending conversation of Mr. Ban Ki Moon in nepal 2008 (UNSGN).
#Bankimoon #Robertpiper #Residentcoordinator #Staff #UNIC #2008... UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008
Staff of UN agencies are attending conversation of Mr. Ban Ki Moon in nepal 2008 (UNSGN).
#Bankimoon #Securitygeneral #Robertpiper #Residentcoordinator #Staff #UNIC #2008... UNIC, (2008)
UN Security General Ban Ki-Moon in Nepal 2008
Mr. Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Security General, doing conversation with staff of United Nations.
Mr. Robert piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal
Mr. IAN Martin, special Representative of the UN
Ms. Kareen Landgren,
#Bankimoon #Robertpipe... UNIC, (2008)
74th UN Day 2019
UN Staff keeping his vote in mock polling which is an artificial process model of voting education.
#UNDay #74 #2019 #SGDs #Sustainable #Photoshoot #Staffs #UNDP #RightoVote #Vote #VotingSystem #Education #Rights #Equality #UNDP #Empowerment #Candi... -UNDP, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019
UNDP Staff showing his Climate Pledge that says "I will Donate Stuffs that I don't use but are in good condition with the UNDP tot bag.
#UNDAy #74 #2019 #SDGs #Climatechange #Globalgoals #Parisagreement #Climatechangeisreal #Thereisnotplanetactionno... -UNDP, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019
UNDP staffs striking a pose on the occasion of 74th UN Day.
#UNDay #74 #2019 #SGDs #Sustainable #Photoshoot #Staffs #UNDP #Group #GlobalGoal #Entertainment #CapacityBuilding,#Empowerment, #ProgrammeOwnership ... -UNDP, (2019)
74th UN Day 2019
Election Support project staffs striking the post in front of SDG sustainable square box at 74th UN Day 2019
#UNDay #74 #2019 #SGDs #Sustainable #Photoshoot #Staffs #UNDP ... -UNDP, (2019)
World Social Work Day (Pentagon College)
Staff of Chori Organization exhibiting Weaven Beads during World Social Work Day at Pentagon College on 20th March 2018
#Staff #ChoriOrganization #SocialWorkDay #UNIC #Photo #2018 #March... unic, (2018)