Kathmandu Office
Intangible Cultural Heritage Network Meeting in South Asia: Exchanging
countries' experiences on the implementation of the 2003 Convention at
national level, 16-17 August 2017, Lalitpur, Nepal
This press release includes a sub-regional network meeting on Intangible Cultural Heritage in South Asia held on 16-17 August 2017 at the Hotel Himalaya in Lalitpur, Nepal organized jointly by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and
Civil Aviation, UNE... UNESCO, (2017)
Status, Trends and Challenges of Education For All in South Asia (2000-2015): A Summary Report
#Education #EducationForAll #SouthAsia #SAARC
This summary report has been developed as a sequel to analytical study of Status, trends and challenges of EFA in South Asia (2000 – 2015), conducted by the National University of Education Planning and Management (NUEPA), India, with the technical a... UNESCO, (2015)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC IN SOUTH ASIA: UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime through out the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framew... UNODC, (2010)
South Asia Newsletter - UNODC in South Asia
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime throughout the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nati... UNODC, (2011)
South Asia Newsletter
UNODC helps countries and its people to reduce illegal drugs and crime throughout the world and to address justice and human security. It helps Member States with technical assistance, legal advice and research within the framework of the United Nati... UNODC, (2010)
South Asia Booklet on Child-Relevant Socioeconomic Indicators
The social indicators in this collection are well-established. Some economic indicators are selected to show the performance of the economy as a basis for the capacity of the country, and families, to provide for children.
#SocialIndicators #Econo... UNICEF, (2006)
दक्षिण एशियामा अ्मुर्त सााँस्कृतिक सम्पदा सन्जालको बैठक: २००३ महासन्धीको राष्ट्रिय
स्थरमा कार्यन्यन सम्बन्धी देश हरुको अनुभब आदानप्रदान, १६—१७ अगस्ट २०१७,
ललितपुर, नेपाल
तिब्र विकास्, प्राकृतिक बिपत्तिको खतरा र समाझहरु विश्वोब्यापी हुनेक्रम वढि रहेको सन्धर्बमा यस छेत्रका देश हरुले अ्मुर्त सास्कृतिक सम्पदा सम्रछ्यन्का लागी ब्यव्स्थित प्रारुप तथा रास्तृय नितिह्रु निर्मान गर्नमा चुनौती हरुको सामना गरिरहेका छन र अमुर्... UNESCO, (2016)
UN Human Rights Chief Encourages South Asian Judges to Further Open Up Justice to All
BANDOS, THE MALDIVES – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Monday urged South Asian judges to continue developing “cutting-edge mechanisms for opening up justice to all.” At the opening of a key encounter of regional judges and ... OHCHR, (2009)