International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination
The Committee expresses concern about the absence in the report of disaggregated data on the population, including by age, sex, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, including caste, and language. The Committee recommends that the State party provide... UN, (2001)
Socioeconomic Rehabilitaon of Verified Minors and Late Recruits
The past two years have seen remarkable changes in the lives of Verified Minors and Late Recruits (VMLRs), following their discharge from the Maoist cantonments in 2010. Many of the VMLRS have started to make a positive impact on the community throug... UNIRP/UNDP, (2010)
A Manual for the Participatory Self-Monitoring and Evaluation of Micro-Entriprise Development Programme Nepal
Rural development is a complex terminology due to many unknown factors. The term Rural development is also passing through many trial and error phases. The growth aspects of economic development model have failed to benefit the poor people who live... UNDP, (2009)