A Seminar of United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011.
#ShokoNoda #UNDP #Seminar #CountryDirector #... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, going for visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Phot... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, going for visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #RepairCentre #2011 #UNIC #Phot... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, delivering speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Ms. Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP
#Hele... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HelenClark #RobertPiper #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #20... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HelenClark #RobertPiper #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #20... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering the speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HelenClark #RobertPiper #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremon... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit Basantapur Kathmandu.
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
#HelenClark... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, visit students learning motorcycle repair in Nepalganj.
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
(Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.)
#ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, attending the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
(Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.)
#ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP, doung master of ceremony of the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #AwardsCeremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #P... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, addressing the ribbon cutting ceremony in Nepalgunj in Prasuti Hospital.
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagn... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, going for ribbon cutting ceremony in Nepalgunj in Prasuti Hospital.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #Hospital #RibbonCutting #201... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, met entrepreneurs of Nepalgunj in Entrepreneurs Exhibition and Trade Fair 2011.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #Entrepreneurs #... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, met entrepreneurs of Nepalgunj in Entrepreneurs Exhibition and Trade Fair 2011.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #Entrepreneurs #... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, met entrepreneurs of Nepalgunj in Entrepreneurs Exhibition and Trade Fair 2011.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #Entrepreneurs #... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, met entrepreneurs of Nepalgunj in Entrepreneurs Exhibition and Trade Fair 2011.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
#HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #Entrepreneurs #... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, attending the opening ceremony of hospital of Prasuti Hospital in Nepalgunj.
Mr. Rafeeque Siddiqui, UNDP,
(Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit Nepalgunj.)
#ShokoNoda #Hospital #OpeningCer... UNIC, (2011)
Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011 held at Radisson Hotel
Hon'ble Paramananda Jha, Vice Present of Nepal along with Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, Asso. Prof. Dambar Bir Thapa, Radhesh Pant, Co-President at the Seminar on the "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role o... UNIC, (2011)
Shoko Noda Addressing on the Conference on the Least Developed Countries 2011
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP addressing on a seminar on "United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries: The Role of Nepal as LDCs Chair" held at Radisson Hotel on 6th May, 2011.
#ParamanandaJha #VicePresident #ShokoNoda #UND... UNIC, (2011)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF Signing Ceremony 2012
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, attending United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF Signing Ceremony in Nepal Planning Communication on 6th of September 2012.
Hon'ble Vice Chair Person of National Planning Communication,
Ms. ... UNIC, (2012)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF Signing Ceremony 2012
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, clicking group pictures in United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF Signing Ceremony in Nepal Planning Communication on 6th of September 2012.
Hon'ble Vice Chair Person of National Planning Com... UNIC, (2012)
United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF Signing Ceremony 2012
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP, attending United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF Signing Ceremony in Nepal Planning Communication on 6th of September 2012.
Hon'ble Vice Chair Person of National Planning Communication
#Sho... UNIC, (2012)
Helen Clark And Crown Prince Haakon Magnus Visit To Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador is in UN House.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator,
#RobertPiper #HaakonMagnus #ShokoNoda #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Ph... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark And Crown Prince Haakon Magnus Visit To Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, delivering the speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert P... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark And Crown Prince Haakon Magnus Visit To Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Reside... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, hand shaking with UN Staff in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Reside... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark And Crown Prince Haakon Magnus Visit To Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, addressing the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
His Royal Highness Crown Price Haakon Magnus of Norway, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador,
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Reside... UNIC, (2011)
Helen Clark And Crown Prince Haakon Magnus Visit To Nepal 2011
Ms. Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator, delivering the speech in the Long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House.
Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator
Ms. Shoko Noda, Country Director of UNDP,
Ms. Sangita Khadka, Communication Specialist UNDP,
... UNIC, (2011)