United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
SECURITY about 87 results (0.0289 in miliseconds)  
UN peace operations - Dealing with new reality The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres wrote about his concern regarding peace and security. His first act after entering the United Nations Secretariat building in January was to lay a wreath honoring more than 3,500 United Nations s...
The Himalayan Times, (2017)
Nepal Bar Association (NBA) Interaction on Independence of Judiciary for Human Rights Speech delivered by Ms. Jyoti Sanghera, Head, OHCHR-Nepal Thursday, 26 May 2011 This bulletin includes the speech delivered by Ms. Jyoti Sanghera, the head of OHCHR-Nepal regarding very important theme “Independence of Judiciary for Human Rights”, chosen by Nepal Bar Association.It is crystal clear that judicial Independence is ...
UNOHCHR, (2011)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents - 1 January to 30 June 2008 The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu...
UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents (01 January to 31 December, 2007) The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, clashes, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actu...
UNOCHA, (2007)
OHCHR ­Nepal Lena Sundh Representative in Nepal of the High Commissioner for Human Rights On the occasion of the 58th International Human Rights Day 10 December 2006 This bulletin includes about the 58th International Human Rights Day and three issues in the transitional period that must be addressed in order to ensure that there will be no human rights abuses in Nepal in the future. OHCHR ­Nepal will give prio...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents ( 1-31 August, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 April, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2011)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 April, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 June, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 November, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2011)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-30 September, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 July, 2012) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2012)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 July, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 March, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2011)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 May, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Security Incidents in Bara District (As of July 2010 - July 2013) Security Incidents Kabhrepalanchok in Bara District (As of 2010 July - 2013 July) 31 Bandh/Blockades 16 Clash 20 Criminal Acts 26 IED/Explosions Violent Acts #SecurityIncidents #BaraDistrict ...
UNOCHA, (2013)
Time is Short for the Parties to Create Conditions for UNMIN’s Orderly Departure In 61 days, UNMIN’s mandate will expire. Two months have already passed since the Government requested a final extension, and the Security Council agreed. Under the four-point agreement of 13 September, UNMIN was to be asked to stay for a final four ...
UNMIN, (2011)
Nepal - Reported Security Incidents Involving VDC and DDC Staff Incidents: During the first six months of 2010, two VDC secretaries were killed (Sitapur VDC in Banke, and Babarjung VDC in Sarlahi). In separate incidents in Dhanusha, a DDC a DOC staff member was killed and a child was killed during an attempt on ...
UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 January, 2008 The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map –represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. An IED was exploded at Bhotahity. JTMM (Singh) shot dead a forest guard at Gaurishankar. K...
UNOCHA, (2008)
Security Council Resolution 1325 Annotated and Explained In this abstract, the Security Council is acknowledging the disproportion ate impact of armed conflict on non-combatants, including women and children civilians, and the fact that they comprise the vast majority of displaced persons. Rather than acci...
Household Food Security in Nepal Within a corporate effort to better understand country-specific food security issues, WFP Nepal, with the technical assistance of the 'Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping' (VAM) branch of WFP headquarters, undertook this comprehensive food security an...
WFP, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: February 21 - March 7, 2007 The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. 12 persons were injured in clashes between businessmen and police during a bandh anno...
UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal : Reports of Bandhs / Blockades - 1 January to 31 October 2007 The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – represents the total number of bandhs / blockades that have been observed, as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security. These include transportation blockades, and closure...
UNOCHA, (2007)
NEPAL- Operational Space: 1 October to 30 November, 2007 In the eastern and central Terai disricts, I/NGOs working outside of the district headquarters have had significant access challenges, partially due to the deteriorating security situation and partially due to threats/notices from various political/m...
UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 28 February, 2009 The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. An unidentified group detonated two IEDsinside a distillery. Cadres of JTMM-J shot dead a...
UNOCHA, (2009)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 30 November, 2007 The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. 1 person reported injured when a stray IED went off in Biratnagar Bus Park, while some ch...
UNOCHA, (2007)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 October, 2007 The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. JTMM (Goit) cadres detonated 2 bombs in Bhairahawa. Maoist abducted and looted the Deputy...
UNOCHA, (2007)
UNITED NATIONS OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN NEPAL Press Release – 21 December 2006 Report on the torture and death of Maina Sunuwar This press release includes report about the torture and death of 15 ­year ­old Maina Sunuwar, who died in the custody of the (Royal) Nepalese Army (NA) in February 2004 at the Birendra Peace Operations Training Centre in Panchkhal Kavrepalanchowk Di...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: August 29, 2006 - September 11, 2006 Despite holding talks with the government, CPN/M cadres are continuing their acts of abduction and extortion together with other regular political activities both in villages and urban areas. The density of events – indicated by shading on the map – ...
UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: June 20, 2006-July 03, 2006 Security situation has largely improved after the declaration of a 3-month ceasefire by CPN/M on Apr. 26 and an indefinite ceasefire by the Government on May 3. However, reports of lootings and extortions have intensified. The identity of those invol...
UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents: September 12, 2006 - September 25, 2006 The security situation appears to have deteriorated in the reported period. The identity of those involved in the reported killings is generally not clear, neither are the motives behind the attacks. The density of events – indicated by shading on th...
UNOCHA, (2006)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 A Socio-demographic Impact study ( With reference to 14 most affected districts) The April 25 earthquake in Nepal and the subsequent aftershocks resulted in losses not only in terms of lives and physical infrastructures but also of historical, social, cultural and economic aspects of the country and its population. Thirty-one out...
The Central Department of Population Studies TU, (2016)
Priority Areas for Addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Nepal Impact of the 11 year insurgency in Nepal has affected thousands of people who have been victims of trauma, forced displacement and violence. Due to the structural inequalities of Nepalese society, the effect on women and girls and on people from exc...
UN, (2007)
OCHA Nepal Daily Sit Rep Kathmandu, 21 April 2006 The 16th day of the general strike called by the Seven Party Alliance was also observed throughout the country with most markets closed and no vehicle movement.In the eastern region it is reported that CPN/Maoist are generally encouraging people to m...
UNOCHA, (2006)
Security Council : Letter dated 30 December 2008 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council Letter from the Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations, Madhu Raman Acharya (see annex), in which he requested, on behalf of his Government, a six- month extension of the current mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal from 23...
UN, (2008)
Security Council : Statement by the President of the Security Council In connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2006/920)”,the President of the Security Council made the statement on...
UN, (2009)
Security Council:Adopted by the Security Council at its 6385th meeting, on 15 September 2010 Resolution ,Adopted by the Security Council at its 6385th meeting in various terms:recalling, reaffirming, acknowledging, expressing concern, noting, recognizing etc. by the president. #UN #SecurityCouncil #2010 ...
UN, (2010)
Development Advocate Nepal Modern social security programs began in the 1840s in Germany with an old-age insurance scheme. The idea then was to promote the German economy by enhancing the well being of retired workers. Even that long ago there was clear recognition that citize...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2014)
PRESS STATEMENT बिहीबार, २०६८ जेष्ठ २६ नेपलिस्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार कार्यालयद्वारा पत्रकारहरुमथिको आक्रमण भर्त्सना नेपालको पूर्वी तराईका जिल्लाहरुमा पत्रकारहरुले आक्रमण र धम्की सहनुपरेका रिपोर्टहरुबाट मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय, नेपाल (उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय - नेपाल ) गम्भीररुपमा चिन्तित भएको छ । नागरिक दैनिक पत्रिकामा कार्यरत पत्रकार खिलनाथ ढकाललाई युथ फो...
UNOHCHR, (2011)
UN Security General Ban Ki Moon in Nepal 2008 Staff of UN agencies are attending conversation of Mr. Ban Ki Moon in nepal 2008 (UNSGN). #Bankimoon #Securitygeneral #Robertpiper #Residentcoordinator #Staff #UNIC #2008...
UNIC, (2008)
मानवआधिकार तथा संबिधानको निर्वाचन राज्यसंग आफ्ना आम जनताको मानवआधिकारको प्रवर्धन तथा संरछ्यन गर्ने दायित्व रहेको हुन्छ र माथि सुचिकृत आधिकारहरुमा निर्वाचनक क्रममा बिशेष जोड दिईएको हुन्छ | आम जनताको सुरछ्या गर्न, कानुन तथा व्यवस्था कायम गर्न र मानिसहरुको लोकतान्त्रिक अधिकारको सम्...
UN, UNHR, (2008)
GENDER EQUALITY UPDATE NO. 12 Nepal Flood Response 2017 UPDATE No. 12 Although the legal frameworks of Nepal largely support gender equality and social inclusion, various social norms and discriminatory practices have a devastating impact on the most vulnerable and marginalized populations when disaster strikes. Integ...
UNWOMEN, (2017)
Security Council : Statement by the President of the Security Council As the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) completes its preparations for its departure.The Security Council reaffirms its support for the peace process and calls on the caretaker Government of Nepal and all political parties. The Security Counc...
UN, (2011)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict The present fifth report on the protection of civilians in armed conflict is submitted pursuant to the request of the President of the Security Council containedin his statement of 14 December 2004 (S/PRST/2004/46). 2. Five years ago, in April 2000,...
UN, (2005)
संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानवअधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालय, नेपाल प्रेस विज्ञप्ति-२०६३ पुष ६ मैना सुनुवारको यातना र मृत्युसम्बन्धी प्रतिवेदन यो प्रतिवेदनले न्याय खोज्ने प्रयास र यो मुद्दामा प्रगतिको अभाव एबम नेसेको तर्फबाट भएको पारदर्शिताको अभाव अभिलेख गर्दछ।यो मुद्दाले उपचार खोज्दा मानवअधिकार उल्लङ्घनक पीडाहरु वा तिनका आफन्तहरुले अझै सामना गर्नुपरेका धेरै अवरोध चित्रित गर्दछ।यसले मानवअधि...
UNOHCHR, (2006)
Security Council : Letter from the permanent representative of Nepal to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General. This is an statement on his majesty's Government of Nepal on the end of the Gulf War.He looks forward to the peaceful works of reconstruction in the Gulf and the political settlement of the entangled problems of the middle east, including the Palesti...
UN, (1991)
Security Council : Verbale from the permanent representative of Nepal to the United Nations addressed to the secretary General. The permanent representative of Nepal to the United Nations present his compliments to the Secretary General of the United Nations & with reference to his note verbale. #UN #SecurityCouncil #1990...
UN, (1990)
Security Council :Verbale from the charge D'affaires A.I. of the permanent mission of Nepal to the United Nations addressed to the secretary General. The charge d' Affairs a.i. of the permanent mission of the kingdom of Nepal to the United Nations presents his compliments to the secretary General of the United Nations & with reference to the latter's note #UN #SecurityCouncil #1978...
UN, (1978)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1879 (2009), by which the Council, following the request of the Government of Nepal and the recommendation of the Secretary-General, renewed the mandate of the United Nations Mis...
UN, (2009)
Security Council: Note verbale dated 14 June 2000 from the Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations addressed to the Chairman of the Committee It is a note by Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Nepal to the United Nations to the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution concerning Afghanistan. #UN #SecurityCouncil #2000...
UN, (2000)
UNITED NATIONS OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN NEPAL Press Release – 4 February 2007 OHCHR­Nepal calls on security forces not to use unnecessary lethal force “While recognising that security forces have a difficult task in ensuring law and order, the imposition of a curfew does not justify the use of live bullets in non­life threatening situations”, said Representative Lena Sundh. #LENASUNDH #SECURITY...
UNOHCHR, (2007)
Resolution 1796 (2008) - Adopted by the Security Council at its 5825th meeting, on 23 January 2008 Recalling the signing on 21 November 2006 by the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and the stated commitment of both parties to transforming the existing ceasefire into a permanent and s...
UN, (2008)
Security Council : Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process (3 January 2008) 1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1740 (2007) in which the Council established the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) in response to the request of the Government of Nepal and the Communist Party of Nepal...
UNMIN, (2008)
Security Council Reaffirming the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Nepal and its ownership of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and subsequent agreements,Recalling the signing on 21 November 2006 by the Government...
UN, (2010)
Security Council The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda. The Council is meeting in accordance with the understanding reached in its prior consultations. Members of the Council have before them the report of the Secretary-Gener...
UN, (2009)
Security Council Extends Mandate of United Nations Mission in Nepal The Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), which was to expire today, for a further six months on the request of Nepal’s Government. Unanimously adopting resolution 1864 (2009), the Council endorse...
UN, (2009)
Security Council: Resolution 1921 (2010): Adopted by the Security Council at its 6311th meeting, on 12 May 2010 Recalling its previous resolutions in particular 1921 (2010), and the statement of its President of 5 May 2009 (S/PRST/2009/12). Reaffirming the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Nepal and its ownership of the implement...
UNMIN, (2010)
UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe’s briefing to the Security Council Some important steps have been taken, and efforts continue towards achieving the objectives that the Government and the UCPN-M have set for themselves, but the political impasse remains. No breakthrough has been achieved. It is too early to conclude ...
UNMIN, (2010)
COVID 19 Sitrep #46 Heavy rainfall between 26-29 August affected thousands of people across the Tarai regions. Major roadways have been frequently obstructed by landslides and flooding, impeding humanitarian access to hard-to-reach areas. Humanitarian partners are coor...
UNRCHCO, (2022)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 January, 2013) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
Nepal : Reports of Security-Related Incidents May 10 - May 23, 2006 Security situation has largely improved after the declaration of a 3-month ceasefire by CPN/M on Apr.26 and an indefinite ceasefire by the Government on May 3. However, reports of extortions by CPN/M have intensified. The density of events – indicate...
UNOCHA, (2006)
Press Statement The undersigned members of the international community recognize the efforts of all stakeholders including the Election Commission, the Government, civil society and the political parties in preparing for the historic local elections in Nepal. Local ...
UNIC, (2017)
Security Council :Letter dated 14 July 2009 from the Secretary General addressed to the President of the Security Council This is attached letter of 7 July 2009 by the Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations, Madhu Raman Acharya (see annex), in which he requested, on behalf of his Government, the extension of the current mandate of the United Nations M...
UN, (2009)
Ian Martin Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Address at the “Dalit Parliament” Organised by the Rasriya Dalit Network Nepal Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted in his January report to the Security Council, prior to the establishment of UNMIN, that “if Nepal fails to meaningfully include traditionally marginalized groups in the peace process and in the election, and in th...
UNMIN, (2007)
A Global Handbook: Parliaments as partners supporting the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (Nepali Translation) Nepal is one of the state parties to UNSCR 1325 and 1820, both of which chart out a clear pledge and call for action to protect and provide security to women and children from the potential risks of the armed conflict. Nepal has already implemented t...
UNDP, (2021)
National Reproductive Health Commodity Security Strategy- 2015 Nepal is a co-signatory to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, and has committed itself to improve the reproductive health status of people throughout the nation. The National Reproductive Health Strategy of N...
UNFPA, (2015)
Security Council Renews Mandate of UN Iran-Iraq Observer Group on 1989 The Security Council voted unanimously this morning to renew the mandate of the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group (UNIIMOG) until 30 September 1989. Security Council President Jai Pratap Rana presiding over today's meeting. #JaiPrata...
UN/UNIC, (1989)
Security Council Unanimously Decides to Include Russian and Spanish Among its Working Languages on 1969 The Security Council decided unanimously this morning to include Russian and Spanish among the working languages of the Council, and to amend the Council's provisional rules of procedure accordingly. The Council acted by adopting, without objection, ...
UN/UNIC, (1969)
Report of the Secretary-General on the Request of Nepal for United Nations Assistance in Support of its Peace Process The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1796 (2008), by which the Security Council, following the request of the Government of Nepal and on the basis of the recommendation of the Secretary-General, renewed the mandate ...
UNMIN, (2008)
UNRIP Notes on Psychosocial Issues This note information on the key experiences and lessons learned on the importance of psycho-social issues and how they were addressed in the rehabilitation process.this note will also demonstrate how the severity of these problems was significantly ...
UNIRP/UNDP, (2013)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1 January-30 June, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 July, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED-Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the t...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 May, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Security Council : Draft Resolution Submitted by the Representative of China Concerning The Application of Nepal for Membership in United Nations Its all about the concentration by representative of china for the application of Nepal for membership in united nations . #UN #SecurityCouncil #1949...
UN, (1949)
Rural Urban Partnership Programme With the objectives of reviewing relevant strategies, agreements and TORs according to the present situation, Rural Urban Partnership Programme held a meeting at Programme Monitoring Unit office, Ram Niwas, Sanepa from 10 to 11 October, 2002. #Ru...
RUPP/UNDP, (2002)
Nepal - Reports of Security Incidents (1-28 February, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map represents the total number of reported incidents by type that include Abduction, Attack, Clash, Killings, IED- Exploded/Disarmed, Criminal Acts, Robbery, Theft, and Threat; and not necessarily the ...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal : Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 October, 2010) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map– represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. In the chart regarding groups, the "Others/Unidentified” category includes robbers/looters...
UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 January, 2011) The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map– represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. In the chart regarding groups, the "Others/Unidentified” category includes robbers/looters...
UNRCHCO, (2011)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents (1-31 May, 2010) In the chart regarding groups, the "Others/Unidentified” category includes robbers/looters, landless squatters, smugglers, fire victims, refugees, farmers associations, religious communities, ethnic groups, and different armed groups, including unide...
UNOCHA, (2010)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents, 1 - 30 June, 2009 Highlights: The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. -An unidentified group abducted an employee of Nepal Food Corporation from ...
UNOCHA, (2009)
Security Council Working Group for Children and Armed Conflict "Established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612, the Security Council Working Group on children and armed conflict has a mandate to review reports of the UN Secretary-General and other pertinent information concerning grave violations again...
UN, (2010)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 December, 2008 Highlights: The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. -An IED exploded in front of ticket counter of Budha Air by Ranavir Sena. 2...
UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents - 1 to 31 January, 2009 Highlights: The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. -Bodies of two youths killed by JTMM-J were found at Fulkatti VDC. 16 Jan ...
UNOCHA, (2009)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents to 30 November, 2008 Highlights: The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents. -2 youths of Kathmandu abducted by YCL were found dead in Bhorlefant at Dar...
UNOCHA, (2008)
Nepal: Reports of Security Incidents, 1 - 30 September, 2009 The incidents – indicated by the shading on the map – represents the total number of reports received, and not necessarily the total number of actual incidents.An unidentified group killed a woman with a sharp weapon at Krishnanagar of Bharatpur. 19 ...
UNOCHA, (2009)
Nepal: Total Reported Security Incidents in 2008 The density of events indicated by shading on the map represents the sum of the reports of abductions, killings and IED explosions as reported to OCHA and the UN Department of Safety and Security, and not necessarily the total number of actual incide...
UNOCHA, (2008)
Report of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict in Nepal The report indicates that although grave violations of children’s rights have decreased significantly since the signing of the comprehensive ceasefire agreement, violations against children have not ceased. The report notes that substantial numbers...
UN, (2008)