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Information Centre | Nepal
SANITATION about 27 results (0.0062 in miliseconds)  
Nepal MDGs acceleration Framework Improving Access to Sanitation A few years away from the deadline of 2015, the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF), as conceived and endorsed by the United Nations (UN), aims at accelerating and sustaining progress towards the MDGs’ achievement at the national level. The strategic ap...
UNDP, GON, (2012)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 (as of 14 August 2017) The National Emergency Operations Centre has reported that 66 people are known to have died, 35 people remain missing and 35 have been injured.The full extent of the disaster is not yet known. Many affected areas remain inaccessible dueto damaged roa...
UNRC, (2017)
Addressing Outstanding Humanitarian Needs in Nepal: A Shared Effort And Responsibility (19 August 2015) Marking the World Humanitarian Day, aid community in Nepal saluted contributions made by good‐willed individuals and communities themselves to saving lives and alleviating the suffering in the aftermath of the back-to-­back earthquakes.The response l...
UN, (2015)
UNICEF NEPAL WASH PROGRAMME (2018-2022) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is at the centre of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda with a distinct sector Goal (SDG 6) and its corresponding targets. Achievement of SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2 will contribute to a number of other g...
UNICEF, (2018)
Annual Report 2009: Water and Sanitation Trust Fund The poor performance of most water utilities in the developing world has long been a stumbling block in achieving water and sanitation for all. Heavy water losses, poor customer service, intermittent supplies, lack of metering, untrained staff and a ...
UNDAF District Profiles: Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Highlights: Humla: 65% of the people in Humla have access to safe drinking water through water supply systems. More households have toilets in 2012 (43%) than in 2011 (32%). 4 of 27 VDCs have been declared ODF. Mugu: 75% of households use t...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
Analysis Of Menstrual Hygiene Practices in Nepal: the Role of WASH in Schools Programme for Girls Education 2016 In 2006, UNICEF Nepal developed the school-led total sanitation approach which contributed to school and community sanitation. This approach has been replicated and implemented in many countries in Asia and Africa. The programme aims to provide a saf...
UNICEF, (2018)
Analysis Of Menstrual Hygiene Practices in Nepal: the Role of WASH in Schools Programme for Girls Education 2016 In 2006, UNICEF Nepal developed the school-led total sanitation approach which contributed to school and community sanitation. This approach has been replicated and implemented in many countries in Asia and Africa. The programme aims to provide a saf...
UNICEF, (2018)
Water for Asian Cities Programmer Nepal (Annual Report 2006) The WAC Programme is supporting the implementation of the water and sanitation related Millennium Development Goals and targets (MDGs) in Asian cities, specifically promoting pro-poor governance, water demand management, increased attention to enviro...
Nepal Earthquake WASH Response Dashboard : Summary Of Kabhrepalanchok: 07/01/2015 Highlights: 1. All of 90 VDCs have a focal point agency and WASH programs ongoing with 17 WASH Cluster partners present. 2. 18,016 people have benefited from approx. 29,029 hygiene kits. Estimated Caseload: 145,512 (12% reached). 3. 30,976 people ...
GoN, WC/UN, (2015)
UNICEF Humanitarian Action NEPAL in 2009 Following 10 years of Maoist-inspired conflict, the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord on 21 November 2006 marked a new phase in Nepal’s social, political, and economic development. Despite a certain degree of political progress during 2007, t...
UNICEF, (2009)
Towards Gender Equality Through Sanitation Access This discussion paper reviews the extensive literature on sanitation to show that inadequate access to this basic service prevents the realization of a range of human rights and of gender equality. We recognize that “dignity” is a highly culture- and...
UNWOMEN, (2016)
Sani News: Vol. 2 Issue 2 (April-June 2013) Chris Williams, Executive Director (ED) of Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) and Mark Willis, Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Program Manager (PM) visited Sindhupalchowk on May 15 2013 to observe the sanitation movement and...
Confronting the Open Defecation Practice in Flat Lands of Nepal: Creating New Social Norms The world remains off track to meet the MDG sanitation target of 75% and if current trends continue, it is set to miss the target by more than half a billion people. By the end of 2011, there were 2.5 billion people who still did not use an improved ...
UNICEF, (2014)
SANI NEWS A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal July-December 2013 Vol.2 Issue 3 Bhaktapur declared first ODF district in Kathmandu Valley President Ram Baran Yadav declared Bhaktapur as the first Open Defecation Free (ODF) district in Kathmandu Valley and the 10th in the country during the public opening of the Fifth South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-V) held in Kathmandu...
Equity in School Water and Sanitation Overcoming Exclusion and Discrimination in South Asia This report presents a study on water, sanitation and education in Nepal conducted by CERID for UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia. In 2008 UNICEF ROSA commissioned a desk study into water and sanitation related exclusion at school in South Asia (...
GoN, UNICEF, (2009)
Sani News: A Six Month E-Bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal With support from Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF)/UNICEF, UN-Habitat assisted in the revival of more than 5000 toilets in the earthquake affected districts of Dolakha, Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot and Bhaktapur. This has paved the way for reviving th...
URBSAN-07 Urban Sanitation Proceedings of the National Workshop Although urbanisation is a relatively new phenomenon in Nepal and only about 15 percent of the total population lives in urban areas, the rate of urbanisation is very high resulting into 50 percent of the population in urban areas by 2035. The rapid ...
GoN, UNHABITAT, WA, (2007)
Global Sanitation Fund Programme Nepal (Brochure) The Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) is a pooled global fund to boost expenditure on sanitation and hygiene to help large number of poor people to attain safe sanitation services and adopt good hygiene practices. The purpose of GSF is to help large nu...
GoN, UNHABITAT, (2013)
Status and Strategy for Faecal Sludge Management in The Kathmandu Valley In the Kathmandu Valley, around 70% of the households dispose their excreta directly into the sewer line while remaining 30% of the households still depend on onsite systems such as pit latrines and septic tanks. Te practice of using onsite system is...
Global Sanitation Fund Nepal - A Programme of WSSCC (Investing in sustainable sanitation and hygiene) GSF Programme in Nepal: • Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme provides USD 5 million for 5 years to promote sanitation and hygiene in Nepal targeting more than 1,750,000 population. • National Coordinating Body (NCB) led by the Government provid...
Sanitation Marketing Strategies for Nepal Sanitation coverage in the country is 62%. There is tremendous progress in sanitation since 2010 in Nepal. As of mid 2013, only 22% of the total VDCs, 11% of the districts and 14% of the total municipalities of Nepal have been declared ODF. The Sanit...
Light Review of UNICEF Nepal Sanitation Marketing Program UNICEF Nepal partnered with iDE Nepal in support of the Sanitation and Hygiene Master Plan (SHMP) to develop a market-based approach for sanitation, in order to strengthen the sanitation supply chain and market improved toilets at competitive rates. ...
UNICEF, (2016)
Behavior Change Communication Strategy on Sanitation and Hygiene In Nepal,despite repeated emphasis in improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) behaviors,Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) programs are yet to be well grounded, and the strategies on BCC interventions are still in infancy. Nepal’s Sanitati...
Global Sanitation Fund Programme in Nepal - Progress Report - October 2013 Realizing the potential of the GSF in contributing towards the meeting Nepal’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets as well as the national target of achieving 100 percent sanitation coverage by 2017, the Government of Nepal initiated the proce...
UNICEF WASH RESPONSE Earthquake April 25 2015 Update as of Dec , 2015 Nine months after the devastating earthquakes of 25 April and 12 May which struck Nepal, the overall humanitarian situation has improved. The aftershocks still being experienced though their frequencies are quite rare these days, and most of the coun...
UNICEF, (2015)
UNICEF WASH RESPONSE Earthquake April 25 2015 Update as of Dec , 2015 UNICEF’s response in WASH was targeting 840,000 people ( both camps and communities) including children and women, in the 14 most severely affected districts with critical WASH interventions and information that will prevent child illness, especially...
UNICEF, (2015)