Common Feedback Project in Nepal [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- The Inter Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP) is a common service to humanitarian partners to collect, analyze and elevate feedback from communities to promote an effective and r... UNRCO, (2016)
Nepal Community Feedback on Flood Issues: March 2018 [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- In December 2017, 1805 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolbob across 10 Flood affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings from... UNRCO, (2018)
Nepal Community feedback on Flood Issues: May 2018 [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- In March 2018, 1800 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolboox across 10 Flood affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings from that... UNRCO, (2018)
Turning waste into energy: Bio briquettes [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- These entrepreneurs, who initially made the briquette manually, received technical support such as grinders and mixers through the UNDP’s Rapid Enterprise and Livelihoods Recovery... UNDP, (2016)
Back to Business How entrepreneur Durga Shrestha is trying to get back to business after earthquake [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Three-and-a-half months after a devastating earthquake struck Nepal, people’s lives are slowly getting back to normal.
Durga Shrestha of Panchkhal in Kavre district is trying to... UNDP, (2015)
Focus On Zero Hunger: SDG2/Nepal (Episode 4) [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- A WFP team has trekked into the Himalayas to unfurl a flag representing the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger, as part of an international effort to bring the global goa... WFP, (2015)
Nepal A Perilous Mountain Journey to Deliver WFP Food [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Aftershocks, landslides and monsoon rains are the challenges WFP faces in reaching remote communities with food in Nepal's high-altitude areas. The Larke Pass - situated at 5,000 ... WFP, (2015)
Nepal: WFP Delivers Food To Remote Villages In Gorkha District [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- WFP teams are on the ground in Nepal responding to the needs of those affected by the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Marco Frattini and Zoie Jones report on one of the... WFP, (2015)
UNFPA personnel singing and dancing the Deuda way against VAW [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Violence against women (VAW) occurs everywhere – at home, families, schools, workplace, communities and public places. Just because you can’t see violence, it doesn’t mean it isn’... UNFPA, (2014)
Athletes #RUN4SDGs at the 11th Kathmandu Marathon [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- The 11th Kathmandu Marathon brought together a diverse group of athletes to #Run4SDGs. The event was held in partnership with UNDP, among other UN agencies, in recognition of the ... UNDP, (2017)
Back on the Farm: Strawberry entrepreneurs in Nepal [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Nepal's strawberry farmers who lost their livelihoods in the April earthquake are now looking to recover their harvests with support from UNDP’s Rapid Enterprise and Livelihoods R... UNDP, (2016)
FIBRE BAG ENTREPRISE Better Livelihoods, Better Environment - Sindhuli [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Every Saturday, Januka Thapa and her friends go to local market in Sindhuli to sell the fiber bags they make as part of their micro enterprise. The bags, which quickly drew everyb... UNDP, (2016)
NO PLACE LIKE HOME Discovering entrepreneurship in Khimti, Ramechhap [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Micro-entrepreneurs of Ramechhap who were involved in Fish farming and Pig Breeding got severely affected by the April 25 Earthquake. In June 2015, UNDP implemented the Rapid Ent... UNDP, (2017)
Rapid recovery of Mushroom Farmers in Kavre [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Krishna Laxmi of Kavre and five other micro entrepreneurs have farmed oyster mushrooms for the last three years. After the devastating earthquakes of 2015, these micro entrepreneu... UNDP, (2016)
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence Campaign: Bullying at school (2)[Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Educational institutions are places where learners, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation, are expected to be safe. They are also spaces with ... UNESCO, (2016)
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence Campaign: Bullying at school [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- Educational institutions are places where learners, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation, are expected to be safe. They are also spaces with... UNESCO, (2016)
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence: Bullying at school (3)[Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]-Educational institutions are places where learners, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation, are expected to be safe. They are also spaces with... UNESCO, (2016)
16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence: Bullying at school (4) [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- Educational institutions are places where learners, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation, are expected to be safe. They are also spaces with ... UNESCO, (2016)
Happy International Literacy Day'17 #LiteracyDay [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Digital technology has the power to reach the unreached and improve the quality of education. Happy International Literacy Day!
शिक्षाको अवसरबाट बञ्चित समुदायसम्म यसको पहुँच र ग... UNESCO, (2017)
Integrating Climate Finance in Planning & Budgeting: Nepal's experience [Youtube]
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[Abstract]-In view of its high vulnerability to climate change and weather-related disasters, how has Nepal been prioritizing response by integrating climate change finance into its national ... UNDP, (2018)
Press Freedom in Nepal [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- During the armed conflicts in Nepal from 1996 to 2006, many journalists have been tortured and kidnapped. To ensure that journalists can exercise their basic human right to freedo... UNESCO, (2017)
Graduation Ceremony of Join UN Trainesship Programme 2011-2012 Cohort I
Ms. Moon Gurung, UNDP, attending Graduation Ceremony of Join UN Trainesship Programme 2011-2012 Cohort I in UN House.
Ms. Sushmita Diyali, UN Trainee,
#MoonGurung #SushmitaDiyali #TraineeshipProgramme #UNHouse #2012 #UNIC #Photo #Graduation... UNIC, (2012)
Sophia in Nepal: Keynote speech [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- UNDP Asia-Pacific Innovation Champion Sophia delivers her keynote speech at UNDP's Conference on Technology for Public Services and Development in Kathmandu on 21 March
[Vid... UNDP, (2018)
The Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings in the Shantipur Temple, Swayambhu [Youtube]
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[Abstract]-This video is prepared as part of the rescue mission. The Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings in the Shantipur Temple, Swayambhu Monument Zone of the Kathmandu Valley W... UNESCO, (2016)
20th Anniversary of UNESCO in Nepal- Highlights of the Office's Achievement [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- The presentation highlights some of the major activities of UNESCO in Nepal.
[Video Quality]- 1080p
[Video Location]- N/A
[Content Rating]- U
[Duration]- 9:50
[Ti... UNESCO, (2018)
Nepal: The Steep Path To Recovery [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Thousands of porters are carrying food and other relief high into Nepal’s mountains, and repairing trails as they go, as part of a shift by the United Nations World Food Program... WFP, (2015)
Solar to the rescue: Powering snakebite treatment centres [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- In Nepal, an average of 20,000 cases of snakebite are reported annually, out of which 100 deaths are owing to attacks from venomous species. However, since many snakebite treatm... UNDP, (2018)
WFP Airlifts Children From A Quake-Hit Monastery In Nepal [Youtube]
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At the request of the Nepali authorities, WFP helped evacuate 60 children from an earthquake-hit monastery in Lho, a small village at the foot of the Himalayas.
“Since the e... WFP, (2015)
April 2016: Nepal Community Feedback on Reconstruction [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- In April 2016, the Common Feedback Project collected feedback from 2100 people in 14 earthquake affected districts on reconstruction related issues. This short video provides a... UNRCO, (2016)
Common Feedback Project Phase I Overview [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- The Inter-Agency Common Feedback Project (CFP) was established following the earthquake to collect community feedback to support response efforts. This video shares some key hig... UNRCO, (2016)
Rautahat: Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- Rautahat is recognized as being a district where women and girls are particularly marginalized socially and economically. Gender discrimination and limited provision of sanitati... UNESCO, (2017)
April 2016: Nepal Community Feedback on Protection [Youtube]
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[Abstract]- In April 2016, the Common Feedback Project collected feedback from 2100 people in 14 earthquake affected districts on protection related issues. This short video provides an ov... UNRCO, (2016)
Community Feedback on Food Security and Livelihoods - May 2016 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]-In May 2016, the Common Feedback Project collected feedback from 2100 people in 14 earthquake affected districts on food security and livelihood related issues. This short video ... UNRCO, (2016)
August 2016: Nepal Community Feedback on Protection [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- In June 2016, the Common Feedback Project collected feedback from 2100 people in 14 earthquake affected districts on protection related issues. This short video provides an overvi... UNRCO, (2016)
July 2016: Nepal Community Feedback on Reconstruction [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]-In June 2016, the Common Feedback Project collected feedback from 2100 people in 14 earthquake affected districts on reconstruction related issues. This short video provides an o... UNRCO, (2016)
Nepal Community Feedback on Food Security & Livelihood: August 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- In July 2017, 2100 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings from th... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal Community Feedback on Protection: June 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- In April 2017, 2100 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings from t... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal Community Feedback on Reconstruction: August 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- In July 2017, 2100 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings from th... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal Community Feedback on Food Security and Livelihood: December 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- From January to December 2017, we have collected 6 rounds of reconstruction feedback using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provid... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal Community Feedback on Protection: October 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- In September 2017, 2100 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings fr... UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal Community Feedback on Reconstruction: December 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]- From January to December 2017, we have collected 6 rounds of reconstruction feedback using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides... UNRCO, (2018)
Nepal Community Feedback on Reconstruction: October 2017 [Youtube]
[Source URL]-
[Abstract]-In September 2017, 2100 surveys were conducted using Kobo Toolbox across 14 Earthquake affected districts in Nepal. This short video provides an overview of some key findings fro... UNRCO, (2017)