United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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1 Issue 1 SANI NEWS A PROGRAMME OF WSSCC A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal April to June 2012 Vol. 1 Issue 1 GSF spreads its wings in Mid & Far Western Nepal After more than a year of planning, coordination and preparatory work, Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) programme finally spread its wings to the field in Mid and Far Western Development Region Nepal and launched sanitation campaigns in Bajura and Bar...
SANI NEWS A Quaterly e-bulletin of Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) Programme Nepal October-December 2012 Vol. 1 Issue 3 FIVE VDCs ARE DECLARED AS ODF WITH GSF SUPPORT With full ownership of the government and development partners, five Village Development Committees (VDCs) have been declared ODF with facilitation of the Global Sanitation Fund Programme (GSF) intervention in the past three months. Of those ODF d...