Building UNESCO National Education Support Strategy (UNESS) Nepal 2008-2013
Building a prosperous, modern and just Nepal that is economically independent and free from poverty is the key priority of the Government of Nepal (GoN). Achieving employment-oriented, pro-poor and broad based economic growth and appropriate human re... UNESS,UNESCO, (2008)
UNIC Educational Outreach - November 2019
Student paying attention to the presentation and noting down the bullets information about UN for future.
#UNIC #UNICNepal #SDGs #UNDP #UNICEF #FAO #EducationalOutreach #SudeshaSchool #RajarshiGurukul #UNDPNepal #FAONepal #UNICEFNepal #YouthInvolv... UNIC/Niharika Kharel, (2019)
The Government of Finland and UNICEF partner to realize children’s rights to education and water and sanitation services in Nepal – Joint Press Release
According to the joint press release of 6 December 2019, the Government of Finland and UNICEF have expanded their partnership for children in Nepal through programmes in Education and in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). At a ceremony held in Kat... UNICEF, (2019)
The Government of Finland and UNICEF partner to realize children’s rights to education and water and sanitation services in Nepal – Joint Press Release
According to the joint press release of 6 December 2019, the Government of Finland and UNICEF have expanded their partnership for children in Nepal through programmes in Education and in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). At a ceremony held in Kat... UNICEF, (2019)
The Government of Finland and UNICEF partner to realize children’s rights to education and water and sanitation services in Nepal – Joint Press Release
According to the joint press release of 6 December 2019, the Government of Finland and UNICEF have expanded their partnership for children in Nepal through programmes in Education and in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). At a ceremony held in Kat... UNICEF, (2019)
Education under Attack 2010
In order to protect and promote the right to education whenever learners, education
personnel and educational facilities come under violent attack, greater knowledge and
deeper understanding are required. Precise and detailed information about the ... UNESCO, (2010)