United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
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NEPAL Nepal hosts a large number of refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Bhutan, although their numbers have steadily decreased in recent years as a result of the resettlement program. With the support of the Government of Nepal and the international ...
UNHCR, (2012)
Over 8000 Refugees From Bhutan Resettled in 2008 UNHCR continues to ensure that refugees are able to make a free and informed decision regarding solutions. Comprehensive and transparent information on resettlement and other durable solutions are provided to the refugees through regular inform...
UNHCR, (2009)
School inside Camp in Eastern region Bhutanese refugee children attending school inside camp in Eastern region. IOM facilitated resettlement process of over 113,000 Bhutanese refugees by the end of December 2019. #UN #UNNepal #IOM #Butaneserefugee #Easternregion #IOM #SDG #Resettlemen...
IOM, (2014)
Nepal - UNHCR Global Report 2006 In July, the Government of Nepal and UNHCR reached agreement on a census of refugees in camps in the country. UNHCR assisted more than 3,300 Tibetans in transit through Nepal, including approximately 2,400 new arrivals. The Office protected and assis...
UNHCR, (2006)
2017 Planning summary Nepal continues its recovery from the April-May 2015 earthquakes. In September 2015 the new Constitution of Nepal was promulgated thereby ensuring the completion of an essential element of the peace process. However, political tensions and uncertaint...
UNHCR, (2017)
NEPAL FACTSHEET January 2016 UNHCR maintains direct contact with the Government both at the central and local level. It is an active member of a number of joint UN coordination mechanisms in the country and leads several thematic coordination mechanisms.In Nepal, persons of ...
UNHCR, (2016)